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President Trump Asks Sen. Ted Cruz To Argue Texas Election Fraud Lawsuit At Supreme Court

Trump asks Cruz to argue Texas case

By John Bowden, The Hill, December 9, 2020:

President Trump has asked Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) to present a case from his state's attorney general seeking to invalidate the election results of ...

48 states and FCC File Antitrust Lawsuits To Break Up Facebook
For years we have been working to hold tech giants to account. We had to go back to the drawing board in our 2016 lawsuit against these social media giants because welacked standing' despite Facebook's relentless attacks on our pages. The basis of ...

Arizona Joins 20 Other States In Texas Election Lawsuit With The Supreme Court
Lines being drawn.

20 STATES File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court In Support of Yexas Election Fraud Case
Arkansas AG Rutledge to join Texas motion to Supreme Court on election balloting, results
Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, ...

20 STATES File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court In Support of Yexas Election Fraud Case
Civil war ……..

The Texas lawsuit alleges that election officials in the four states made voting protocol changes that were contrary to election laws set by the state legislatures, in violation of the Constitution.

AG Brnovich Leads ...

Beijing Biden’s Son Hunter Under Investigation By The Feds For Chinese Money Laundering
The enemedia censoring the Biden crime family syndicate was a treasonous as their election fraud.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware is investigating Hunter Biden’s “tax affairs,” Hunter confirmed Wednesday, saying he is taking the ...

Arkansas AG Rutledge to join Texas motion to Supreme Court on election balloting, results
Seven states have now joined Texas lawsuit, arguing that the Equal Protection Clause has been violated in this election from state-to-state.

Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.


Calif Democrat Rep. Swalwell Refuses To Explain Affair with Notorious Chinese Sex Spy
How much did the Chinese pay Swalwell to push the 'Russia! Russia! Russia!' hoax for years? How much cooch does that require?

Rep. Eric Swalwell) is refusing to say if he had sex with an accused Chinese spy who cozied up to a slew of US elected ...

‘MAKE THEM PAY’: Mich. Democratic Rep. Cynthia Jones STRIPPED OF POWER, PENDING FURTHER ACTION After She Threatens Trump Supporters
This belligerent moron disgraced herself at the Michigan election fraud hearings. Johnson is a stunning indictment of the Democrat party of violence and treason.

NEW: This Michigan State Representative has been stripped of her committee ...

YouTube Announces They Will Be Censoring All Videos About 2020 Election Fraud
Owned by Google. Not the actions of an honest broker of information, news and truth. On the contrary, it's the act of totalitarians.

YouTube will now remove videos disputing Joe Biden’s election victory

A month after the election

By ...

Joint Terrorism Task Force members who shot jihad terrorist who plotted to behead Pamela Geller loses qualified immunity thanks to Boston judge
U.S. District Court Judge Indira Talwani is a national security threat. Usaamah Rahim attacked Boston police en route to a beheading terror plot in New York.

A grand jury has already reviewed all facts and video evidence of the shooting and ...

Trump Administration Will Join Texas Lawsuit Against Battleground States

Related – Multiple States Throw Support Behind Texas’ Election Lawsuit Against GA, WI, MI, PA

From Texas:

“Our Country stands at an important crossroads. Either the Constitution matters and it must be followed, even ...

Fact-checkers’ ignore facts presented by Republican figures, fail to debunk Georgia vote-counting video
Who fact checks the fact checkers?

'Fact-checkers' ignore facts presented by Republican figures, fail to debunk Georgia vote-counting video

“Independent fact-checkers” backed by Big Tech have ignored facts presented by Republican ...

SCOTUS: Tennessee Seeks To Join Texas Election Fraud Lawsuit
Battle lines are being drawn.

Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota ……

I have requested through our Attorney General that TN join the lawsuit filed by TX.

The integrity of our ...

Michigan House Chairman Tells Dominion CEO to Appear or Be Subpoenaed
Dominion has not answered. That takes balls, a contempt for the law or knowledge that the fix is in.

Michigan House Chairman Tells Dominion CEO to Appear or Be Subpoenaed

A Michigan lawmaker leading the investigation into the 2020 election ...

Missouri Attorney General Says He Will Help ‘Lead the Effort’ in Texas Case
Take a side.

The central purpose of #SCOTUS’s “original” jurisdiction is for disputes between states that can’t be resolved elsewhere.

Successful intervention by another party would prove that the dispute *could* be resolved ...

WATCH: Israeli PM Netanyahu Dedicates Display in Honor of President Trump
Thank you President Trump for being the most pro-Israel and most pro-Jewish POTUS ever. Watch Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu's statement below.

It will be displayed alongside President Harry S. Truman’s 1948 proclamation recognizing the newly ...

Ivanka Trump shares photo of father on Mount Rushmore
President Trump should be on Mount Rushmore. It's not even a question. He is the greatest POTUS of our time (no one else comes close), and arguably of all time.

Ivanka Trump shares photo of father on Mount Rushmore

By The Hill, December 7, ...


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