1000% impact for two key races | The Georgia Runoff Election is right around the corner and the fate of the Nation hangs in the balance.
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The Georgia Runoff Election is right around the corner and the fate of the Nation hangs in the balance. So much is at stake and I need to know that you are on our team and ready to FIGHT for America.
CONTRIBUTE NOW ([link removed])
The President is barnstorming the State of Georgia to turn out the vote for Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, two Patriotic conservatives, and the energy we are seeing on the ground is absolutely incredible.
Our Country is counting on YOU to hold the line against Chuck Schumer and the Radical Left. If we fall short, President Trump's America First agenda will be DESTROYED.
The truth is, we need your help right now, Friend. Securing these two critical Senate seats is absolutely paramount. We need YOU to make sure we have the resources to WIN BIG.
Your support is critical, which is why the President is giving YOU the opportunity to INCREASE your impact by 1000%.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to support the Georgia Election Fund and you can increase your impact by 1000%. >> ([link removed])
[email protected] ([link removed])
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 34927256 - 2020
DEADLINE: IMMEDIATELYCONTRIBUTE $45 = $495 ([link removed])CONTRIBUTE $250 = $2750 ([link removed])CONTRIBUTE $100 = $1100 ([link removed])CONTRIBUTE $50 = $550 ([link removed])
CONTRIBUTE $45 = $495 ([link removed])CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT ([link removed])
I'll be calling the President soon to go over a list of Patriots who stepped up when our Nation needed them most. Can I tell him you took action?
Please contribute $45 RIGHT NOW to increase your impact by 1000% and be added to the next list I give President Trump. ([link removed])
Thank you,
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Ronna McDaniel
Republican National Committee
CONTRIBUTE $45 = $495 ([link removed])
Contributions to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., Save America, and the Republican National Committee.
Trump Make America Great Again Committee, 725 Fifth Ave New York, NY 10022
We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and President Trump, and we're glad you're on our team. It's because of grassroots supporters like you that we will Make America Great Again, and we appreciate your support. Thank you for all that you do!
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