Student loan debt totals more than $1.6 trillion in America.
That's a huge burden on our young people, and we need a change to
unlock economic opportunity for all.
Joe Biden promised to forgive student loan debt in his first 100
days of office, and now's our chance to remind him of that
commitment. Will you add your name to demand he follows through
on his word?
CLICK HERE: [link removed]
( [link removed] )
For me, this is personal. I was a public school teacher for 23
years, and I know how transformative affordable education can be.
It has the power to lift us up, change our circumstances, and
create generational change.
But student loan debt throws a wrench in the works. It limits
opportunity, halts progress, and lays a burden on millions.
With the economy still in recovery, Americans need more economic
opportunity, not less. Click here to add your name and ask Joe
Biden to follow through on his promise to forgive student loan
( [link removed] )
This work is so important -- thanks for helping out. Millions
will thank you.
-- Mark
Since 2013, Mark Takano has represented the people of the
Inland Empire in the United States House of Representatives,
fighting for the region's progressive priorities. He's been a
voice for veterans, seniors, students, local businesses and
hardworking families. We need to hold our Democratic
Congressional majority now more than ever. The leadership of
Democrats like Mark will be critical to holding Trump accountable
and ensuring the healing of our country during this challenging
time. Please help us keep Mark in Congress fighting for our
Democratic values by contributing today!
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Paid for by Mark Takano for Congress
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