Hello John,
As if controlling a global pandemic wasn’t challenging enough, NPR is now warning that if Biden has any hopes of implementing a national mask mandate to curb infection rates, he’ll need to “depoliticize” mask-wearing first.
According to CNBC, universal mask usage could prevent up to 58% of COVID-19 related deaths in the United States -- and Dr. Fauci has pleaded with Americans to pay attention to those numbers. “If you don't want to shut down, at least do the fundamental basic things... the flagship of which is wearing a mask,” he implored.
But Donald Trump spent this election cycle making mask-wearing a political statement and now an overwhelming number of Americans still refuse to wear masks, even in areas where coronavirus hospitalizations are surging. What’s more, GOP governors have made it clear they won’t help enforce mask-wearing.
With so much at stake as we enter what some are calling a “dark winter,” we need to know if the American people -- in contrast to Republican officials -- support Biden’s plan to curb coronavirus cases. Should we each be doing our part to keep each other safe? Please, tell us now:
Do you support a national mask mandate?
Thank you so much for taking our poll today.
A Woman’s Place

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