He's not fit to serve on the Supreme Court. Join us as we collectively show up to Reclaim the Court.
Last year, #VOTEPROCHOICE joined a coalition led by Center for Popular Democracy, Women's March, NARAL Prochoice America and hundreds of allies to protest the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
One year later, to no one's surprise, more credible allegations of sexual assault have confirmed what we've known from Day 1: Kavanaugh is not fit to serve on the Supreme Court (or anywhere).
Along with so many protest allies, I was one of the first arrests on the opening day of Kavanaugh's Senate confirmation hearing. I wanted to represent 75% of Americans who support abortion access and fully oppose Kavanaugh's anti-choice record.
They called us hysterical. But we knew what was at stake.
There is no room for a man credibly accused of sexual assault—one who also does not believe in basic reproductive rights—among the highest ranks of our courts.
Let's not forget that elected officials confirmed an anti-choice sexual predator to the Supreme Court. Every public office—from local officials all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States—has a profound impact on America's reproductive freedom.
#VOTEPROCHOICE exists to mobilize the nations prochoice majority to elect prochoice champions in every election to make sure this doesn't happen. You, our community of prochoice voters, are our first line of defense.