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Concerned Veterans for America

As veterans and military family members, we know the harsh realities of war. Sacrifice and loss come with the territory. But they are still unimaginably difficult to bear.

The Kent family served and sacrificed more than most, with 16 combat deployments between Army veteran Joe Kent and his Navy wife, Shannon. It was on Shannon's fifth deployment, serving in Syria, that she made the ultimate sacrifice for her country.

Since losing Shannon, Joe has dedicated himself to sharing her story and giving a veteran's perspective on our nation's endless wars.
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Share Joe's Story on your social media! Copy and paste these suggested posts, or write your own and help people hear Joe's important story.

  • Joe Kent and @ConcernedVets share an important reminder here: our endless wars cost the lives of real people. Lawmakers owe them better. #EndEndlessWars
  • Joe and Shannon Kent are some of America's finest. Continuing to put the lives of people like them at risk in dangerous endless wars is WRONG. I'm with @ConcernedVets & @JoeKent16jan19 -- let's #EndEndlessWars

Facebook, LinkedIn, and others:
  • Joe and Shannon Kent are two incredible examples of America's finest. As Joe explains in this video, we cannot allow our elected officials to do our troops and our country a disservice. Endless wars in the Middle East and elsewhere have a human cost -- tens of thousands must go on without a loved one.
  • Concerned Veterans for America and Joe Kent share an important reminder here: our endless wars cost the lives of real people. Our leaders owe them better.
  • The cost of our endless wars is in the lives of America's best -- including service members like Shannon Kent. As her husband Joe and Concerned Veterans for America show, Washington must no longer commit the disservice of continuing our endless wars.

In Service,

Nate Anderson
Executive Director
Concerned Veterans for America