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Eagle Forum
December 9, 2020
Take Action!
Contact Your State Legislators
and Attorneys General TODAY!
New updates are coming through by the minute. Conservatives are fighting back, as more clear and convincing evidence of voter fraud in swing states comes to light every day.
Texas Supreme Court Case
If you live in a state represented by a conservative Attorney General, we need you to take action now to urge him or her to join Texas’ suit challenging the fraud-facilitating changes that executives, not legislators, in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin made to their states’ election law in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Here is an excellent overview of the suit written by our friend Hans von Spakovski of the Heritage Foundation.  While this article expresses pessimism that the Supreme Court will grant relief, we respectfully disagree.  We know we must continue to fight the good fight!
Voting for Electors
According to this overview of election irregularities and illegalities, clear evidence shows that Donald Trump rightfully won the majority of legal votes cast in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada. 
State legislators have the constitutional duty to vote on Monday, December 14, 2020, for the electors for the candidate that rightfully won their states’ votes. 
Here is what you can do: 
  1. If you live in a state represented by a conservative Attorney General, determine if he or she has committed to join the Texas suit.  It is important that the AGs join the suit, not just file amicus briefs.  At this point, we are hearing that Attorneys General in Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Missouri have either expressed interest in joining the effort or have committed to join the effort. Please be aware that this situation is changing quickly.  Please either thank your Attorney General for joining the Texas suit or urge him or her to do so without delay or equivocation.  Below is a phone list, although e-mails work well too.  
  2. If you live in a “battleground state” where election irregularities have occurred, these include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Additionally, Nevada has reported significant irregularities, including votes cast by ineligible voters, and violations of the state’s law in verifying the ballots. Please contact your state legislators and urge them to correct the irregularities by voting for Trump electors this coming Monday, December 14, 2020!  Your voice is most powerful communicating with your own state legislator.  
  3. PRAY!!!  We must continue to pray that God will intervene to expose actual fraud and to ensure that only the person who won the presidency, once every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is excluded, is inaugurated to serve.  
  4. Contribute!  Eagle Forum is working closely with our conservative allies to expose and address election fraud.  We are also working to direct funding to efforts to fight back against this fraud. Your contribution of any amount today to Eagle Forum PAC enables us to continue these efforts and to help our most effective allies in this crucial fight. 
Please note that taking just a few minutes to thank or urge your Attorneys General does make an enormous difference!  If the Attorneys General are able to tell the Supreme Court justices that they are being overwhelmed by calls from their constituents, that can embolden the judges to hear the case and take action.
The same is true for state legislators.  Legislators respond to pressure from you, their constituents.  They are under tremendous pressure from the media, and well-funded special interests, but only YOU, their constituents can decide whether or not they keep their jobs!
The fate of our Republic depends on YOU!  Thank you in advance for doing all you can to urge your elected officials to defend the sanctity of our election and the primacy of our Constitution.

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Email your State AG, Representative & Senator
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