
Check out this headline about Georgia:

That’s why we’re fighting back. Their corruption won’t win if we take action!

Join us TODAY to call underrepresented Georgia voters, and help us Get Out The Vote!

What: Call Georgia voters!

When: TODAY: 5-8pm Eastern Time

Why: Because our entire democracy is at stake!

How: >>> RSVP here to join in and help call voters! >>>

John, Georgia Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are as corrupt as they come. They got special briefings about the Covid crisis way back in January and used the information to make massive stock trades, instead of warning Americans about the pandemic.

Loeffler and Perdue were rich before becoming Senators, and they’ve done nothing but use their positions to make themselves even richer. 

That's exactly why we have to make sure they get DEFEATED in the January 5 runoff elections!

But Georgia Republican officials will do anything to keep them in office. They’re closing polling places in majority-Black precincts and expanding early voting in Republican strongholds.

That’s voter suppression pure and simple.

Fight back! Join us today along with a coalition of activists to call underrepresented voters in Georgia and make sure they Get Out To Vote!

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America 


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