Dear John,
Stop Florida from becoming a genetically engineered mosquito experiment!
Endangered species and human health are at risk from the first-ever mass genetically engineered insect experiment. Take action to stop it.
Florida plans to release over 500 million genetically engineered mosquitos into the Florida Keys, one of the most eco-sensitive areas in Florida. The GMO mosquitos could reproduce with wild mosquitos and their release could have grave consequences, including impacts on the health of humans who they bite, creating a more aggressive and virulent mosquito and potentially threatening endangered species in the Everglades and Florida Keys.
John, we need your help to stop this risky experiment before it starts. Will you send a message to demand genetically engineered mosquitos not be released in Florida?
Take action to stop Florida from launching a genetically engineered mosquito experiment.
For months, Oxitec, the company that developed the GMO mosquito, has been misleading the public. It’s made false claims about whether the mosquitoes being released will be able to bite people and animals.
Oxitec is racing to get the mosquitos released rapidly, even though:
- No endangered species assessments were ever done
- No studies on human health impacts have been done
- This could create a hybrid mosquito that poses risks to people and the environment
- No communities have consented to being part of the experiment
There is growing concern that people’s health, and potentially endangered species, will be at risk from this irresponsible experiment. Scientists are even raising concerns that new types of more virulent mosquitos could enter the area where the GMO mosquito is released, which could lead to an increased spread of diseases like Dengue and Zika, while Florida’s ecosystem could be irreversibly damaged.
Once GMO mosquitos are released into the wild, there is no calling them back. We need your help to stop the release for good.
Send a message: Don’t make Florida a lab for Oxitec testing. Protect people and our planet and revoke this permit.
The EPA and the state of Florida have failed to prioritize sound science and safe, sustainable, and effective mosquito abatement programs.
The public has not seen any data from either Oxitec nor independent scientists proving that mosquito numbers or disease will go down from the GMO mosquito release. In fact, data suggests the opposite. Florida officials are gambling with our health for a Hail-Mary experiment.
It is critical that you act now and stop this experiment. We’ve seen how people power can force officials to stop powerful corporations, so we need you to help put an end to GMO mosquitos.
30,000 signatures still needed. Demand NO genetically engineered mosquitos in Florida!
Standing with you,
Dana Perls,
Food and technology program manager,
Friends of the Earth