
We're coming off big wins in 2020 after flipping Michigan blue, but the election season isn't over yet. The upcoming runoff election on January 5th will determine Senate control, and whether President-elect Joe Biden has a Democratic majority to work with next year.

Two outstanding Georgia Democrats, Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, are fighting to flip two Republican-held seats in the Senate. We don’t have much time and, to pull off both wins, we need to give them all the help we can.

Will you split a contribution today to help the Georgia Democratic Party flip these Georgia Senate seats blue in January?

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Georgia played a key role in the presidential race, and once again all eyes are on its campaigns. With runoff elections just one month away, we can't take our foot off the gas for even a second.

Mitch McConnell certainly won't. His rolodex full of special interests and right-wing super PACs are dumping millions of dollars into Georgia to attack Reverend Warnock and Jon Ossoff so Republicans can keep their grip on power.

Help us fight back by making a split donation right now to the Georgia Democratic Party so we can win the Senate back.

Thanks for pitching in. Let’s flip the Senate.

Michigan Dems

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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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