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Minnesota Family Council


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Protect Kids Rally - THIS SUNDAY at the Capitol!

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Child Protection League Presents


Sunday, September 22, 1:30pm

At the State Capitol

A bill that will greatly harm our children (Bill HF1414) is currently being pursued in Minnesota.  This is a radical movement to normalize all gender identities, teach how to have sex without the boundaries in marriage, and encourage sexual behavior that will harm children and young people long term. In 2019 MN House Bill HF1414 was passed by House Democrat majority that mandated Comprehensive Sex Eduction (CSE) in every MN School District. Although it was defeated in the Senate, CSE proponents have promised to keep the pressure on to force this mandate on all preK-12 public/charter school students in the State of Minnesota and beyond. We must stand together in full force. 

Speakers at the rally include California’s Karen England, Executive Director of Capitol Resources Institute. She brings a message from California families who are battling the same horrifying curriculum in their classrooms and will describe what Minnesota can expect if HF1414 passes. California passed a similar mandate a few years ago. 

Please pass on information about this event to your friends and family, and we hope to see you at the rally on Sunday afternoon!

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Pro-Life Demonstrators Attacked at Macalester


A peaceful pro-life demonstration organized by Human Life Alliance at Macalester College in St. Paul was disrupted this week when an older man punched one of the participants (Jeff White of The Survivors) and stole pro-life signs. 

Minnesota Family Council has reached out to Macalester College by phone and over Twitter urging them to condem this incident. No response has been forthcoming.

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Maplewood Schools Consider "Gender Inclusion" Policy -MEETING SEPTEMBER 24


As we shared last week, ISD 622, which covers Maplewood, Oakdale, and North St. Paul, is considering a radical "Gender Inclusion" policy that would put students' and parents' rights in jeopardy. Minnesota Family Council is working to make sure that this district, and others across the state, PROTECT student rights.

Two parts of Maplewood's proposed policy are especially concerning: 

First, the policy states that "students may use the restroom, locker room, or changing facility that corresponds with their gender identity, rather than their assigned sex." That means male students using spaces intended for female students - a clear violation of student privacy.

Second, the policy states that "District communication to parents will use the student’s legal name, pronouns, and gender as established by their official records, unless otherwise specified by a support plan," while using the student's "preferred pronouns" at school. That means school staff would deliberately hide a student's decision to identify as transgender from his or her parents - a clear violation of parents' rights.

We wanted to share this with you because we know you want to affirm God's design for sex and gender ("Male and female he created them") to be reflected in our schools and workplaces, instead of the confused norms our society has created. 

And if you live in a different school district, be vigilant about the policies of your schools regarding gender identity. Let us know right away if you hear that your district is considering or has adopted a transgender policy that violates students’ privacy rights or parents’ rights.

Our Parent Resource Guide, highlighted below, is a valuable resource for combatting such policies in your schools.

Please pray that ISD 622 school board would reject this proposed policy at their September 24 meeting! Are you a resident of Maplewood, North Saint Paul, or Oakdale? Reply to this email to RSVP for the meeting on the 24th!

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Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Parent Resource Guide!

The Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a welcoming school community.

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same!

Click to order your copy today:

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lThank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families, communities and culture, through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.


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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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