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November, 2020, Florida County Republican Registrations Report and Elections Analysis
©Stephen R. Meyer, Vero Beach, Florida, December, 2020
Issued 12/08/20

The initial part of this report addresses the fraud and associated efforts that are pertinent to the 2020 election. The monthly registrations information and the 2020 election vote information then follows.
Watching the R&R Law Group videos on YouTube are a great way to keep up with the law related issues connected to the 2020 election fraud.
The current situation in the United States is comparable to the situation that exists in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was granted autonomy when it separated from Great Britain. China is ignoring the rights granted to The People of Hong Kong and Hong Kong is being forcibly assimilated into China’s fascist system.
The People of the United States were granted autonomy from the government by The Constitution. The Democrat Party, big tech, traditional media and the deep state (collectively referred to as the enemies of The Constitution or as The Great Resetters)) are in the process of ending The People’s autonomy. The advantage We the People have over Hong Kong is that we have Donald Trump standing in the breach.
COVID-19 is being used as the initial vehicle by which The Constitution will start to be nullified. This is the one area where The Great Resetters have been given a free pass. Having effective treatments and vaccines would go a long way in hindering the efforts of those trying to undermine The Constitution.
The April, 2020 Republican Registrations Report addressed a number of treatments that had proven effective against the virus/immune response caused by COVID-19 in FDA approved pre-trial efforts. Some seven months later, none of the treatments have been approved.
One of the companies mentioned in April’s report had been approved by the FDA to allow expanded use of their drug for severe and critical COVID-19 patients who were ineligible for their FDA approved trial owing to the patients having disqualifying comorbidities. A portion of this group with disqualifying comorbidities was given the drug, and the treated and non-treated patients were monitored. 72% of those receiving the drug were still alive 28 days later. Of the group that did not receive the drug, but who were “treated with best available intensive care unit (ICU) Standard of Care,” only 27% were alive at 28 days!
The improvement in the standard of care for those with severe to critical COVID-19 has extended lives, but it appears to not have created a comparative lessened rate of death. Patients are living longer in ICUs, but many are still perishing after extended ICU stays. This extended lifespan places greater demands on ICUs and acts to lessen the number of beds available for the newly ill. 
Economist Walter E. Williams, who regrettably passed away this past week, wrote Making Intelligent Errors back in the early 2000s. In part he wrote “Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, in their drug approval process, can essentially make two errors. They can approve a drug that has unanticipated dangerous side effects (type II). Or, they can disapprove, or hold up approval of, a drug that's perfectly safe and effective (type I). In other words, they can err on the side of under-caution or err on the side of over-caution.”

Most regulated companies tend to gain influence over the regulators. The FDA has approved for emergency use a number of large pharmaceutical companies’ treatments. As previously mentioned, none of the drugs mentioned in the April, 2020, Republican Registrations Report have been approved. This is mostly owing to the lack of trial participants. Patients, who, along with their doctors, tend to opt for the FDA conditionally approved drugs over those drugs still in trial, hinders the completion of the competing drugs still in trial. 
The ineffectiveness of the conditionally approved drugs, coupled with higher numbers of people getting seriously ill, has remedied the situation of insufficient numbers of trial participants. Approval of these drugs, which again had been shown to show some efficacy as long ago as April, should take place by March. In the meantime, thousands will unnecessarily die.
The significant reason for these unnecessary deaths is the 1930s era “scientific method” of running experiments (trials) with a minimum number of variables. Japanese manufacturing companies started adopting “designed experiments”, which are a series of experiments powered to efficiently generate knowledge, as early as the 1960s and these “designed experiments”, are now widely used in industry. It is morally imperative that we stop using patients as guinea pigs by adopting more advanced methods. 
An example of a problem created by the using outdated methods recently came to light. AstraZeneca had a COVID-19 vaccine in trial. Two full doses of the vaccine were to be administered some weeks apart. Although there are conflicting stories as to how this took place, somehow some of the trial participants were given only a half of a dose of the vaccine in the first dose. Later it was found that those receiving the half dose had much better outcomes (90% efficacy) versus those receiving the trial mandated full doses (62% efficacy). How much knowledge is left hidden, and time wasted, by running these outdated trials (experiments)?


Registrations and Votes
  • Since the 2020 Book Closing, Republicans have picked up an additional 23,050 registrations relative to Democrat registrations leaving Republicans with a registration deficit of 111,286 (see attached tables and chart).
  • President Trump’s 2020 margin of victory of 375,540 votes in Florida was an increase of 262,629 votes compared to 2016 (see attached Table 1 for margins and the margin change that took place between 2016 and 2020).
  • Republicans registrations relative to Democrat registrations improved by 193,102 registrations between the 2016 and 2020 general elections.
  • The difference of roughly 70,000 between the 2016 to 2200 vote change and the registration changes suggests that registration information is possibly more accurate, and much less costly, than is the use of polling in predicting election outcomes.
  • Miami-Dade County was the standout county in the 2020 election in Florida relative to their 2016 performance as the Democrat margin in Miami-Dade County decreased from 290,147 votes in 2016 to 85,031 votes in 2020, a President Trump margin gain of 205,116 votes!
  • The next highest performing Florida County was Osceola County with a Republican margin gain of 11,340 votes
  • There were 55 Florida Counties where President Trump’s vote margin increased from the levels of 2016 with a total vote margin increase of 358,251 votes (Miami-Dade County accounted for over 57% of this gain)
  • There were 12 Florida Counties where President Trump’s vote margin decreased with a total vote margin decrease of 95,622 votes
  • Duval, Seminole and Pinellas Counties were carried by President Trump in 2016 and carried by Joe Biden in 2020.
  • These three counties also experienced falling numbers of Republican registrations relative to Democrat registrations in this same time period

A theme of these registration reports is that to grow Republican relative registrations requires the creation of Republican habitat (desirable areas to live where people of average means are capable of buying homes). Miami-Dade County has little Republican habitat. What then explains the Republican success there in 2020? The simple answer is that the Democrat’s proposed policies are generally so bad, and President Trump’s efforts have been generally so good, that all areas have become Republican habitat. Republicanism versus the alternative just needs to be sold. In Miami-Dade, Alex Otaola is a YouTube star credited with changing votes. Perhaps other counties will choose to examine Mr. Otaola's message.
Steve Meyer, Indian River County REC Member
Contact Information:
Phone or text: 772-713-8265

Joe Saul
Secretary, Indian River County REC


Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee | www.ircgop.com