
What happens when Donald Trump doesn’t learn that actions have consequences? He turns right around and does them again — and asking for foreign interference in our elections is no different.

Don’t believe us? The President’s personal lawyer admitted as much on national tv last night!

In 2016, President Trump went up on stage and asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails — and they did.

And now in 2019, he’s trying to use his power in office as leverage to convince another foreign country to interfere in our presidential elections on his behalf.

This is just another example of why we need to do everything in our power to make Donald Trump a one-term president. His self-serving actions as President of the United States are destroying the fabric of our democracy and the integrity of our electoral process.

We’ve got to stop him now before it’s too late. Can you chip in $20.20 to help us build the movement we need to kick this corrupt president out of office?

Team Weld


Paid for by Weld 2020 Presidential Campaign Committee · United States
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