Unfinished business, John. And a whole mess of Kentuckians who are suffering.

That's why I'm back running for Kentucky Attorney General, and a crucial reminder of why we must never give up the fight.

The back story: when I ran for Kentucky Attorney General and won in 2003, I fought to hold people accountable for our opioid crisis in Kentucky courtrooms. I was the first attorney general in the nation to sue Purdue Pharma, because it was the right thing to do.

But, as we've seen, things are still in a rough spot. And bad actors like Purdue are still at it, trying to turn away from responsibility for their role in the opioid crisis.

The job of attorney general shouldn't be about politics. It should be about people and results.

My experience fits that bill, John. I have practiced law in Kentucky for over 40 years. I've written many laws as a state legislator myself. And I've upheld the law as your attorney general. I have the proven experience to do this job, because of my courtroom experience both as a private attorney and as a prosecutor, and because I've served as your attorney general before.

In troubled times, Kentuckians need an experienced steady hand in the office of the attorney general. I am the only candidate in this race you can count on for that.

But that's not the whole story of me, John. Not by a long shot.

My wife and I have been married for 21 years. I'm the proud father of three and grandfather of four. I love fishing, hunting, and spending time with my family.

Because it's also love of family that compels me to jump back in and give this race everything I've got. I want Kentucky and our country to be there for my children and grandchildren like it has been there for me. And that isn't possible from the sidelines.

Join me in the fight for Kentucky's future. Visit StumboforAG.com to learn more, and then connect with me on Facebook for updates.



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