$34 billion in taxes and buying “back” what was never theirs…


Winning the two Senate seats in Georgia is our only hope of stopping Biden and Kamala’s planned war on the Second Amendment:

[Source: Breitbart]

That’s why Gun Owners of America’s Political Victory Fund is making an unprecedented play in Georgia to ensure we win both run-off elections.

Please make a contribution to GOA’s Political Victory Fund to stop Biden and Kamala from assembling an anti-gun Senate that will destroy the Second Amendment.







With allegations of voter fraud all over Georgia, it’s clear that we cannot just win by a small margin.

We must CRUSH the anti-gunners at the ballot box by such huge margins that there isn’t even room for them to cheat.

A Biden-Pelosi-Schumer trifecta in Washington would mark the END of the Second Amendment.

They will impose so many taxes and regulations that gun ownership will become virtually impossible unless of course you’re an armed guard protecting elites like Pelosi and Kamala.

In the end, they will enact a legalized theft of Americans’ guns under a so-called “buyback” program to take “back” what was never even their property in the first place.

With just weeks to go until the Georgia run-offs, we need your urgent help mobilizing for battle to defend our God-given rights.

Please make a contribution to GOA’s Political Victory Fund to stop Biden and Kamala from assembling an anti-gun Senate that will destroy the Second Amendment.

In Liberty,

Tim Macy
GOA Political Victory Fund

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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