Check out the latest news from the Massachusetts climate movement!
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We know that 2020 is on track to be one of the warmest years on record, if not the warmest ([link removed]) .
We also know that public concern for climate change is rising, and that now is the perfect time to act.
And we know that when you take action on climate change, you ease your climate anxiety, deepen your sense of community, and gain a sense of empowerment.
There are actions for every skill and interest. Attend a local meeting (see the grey bar on the right) or participate in an action (below). Or, take the next step and apply to work with us!
Join us. We know, with 100% certainty, that you're the climate hero we need.
In solidarity,
Rosemary Mosco
Newsletter Volunteer
350 Mass
** Join the Twitter Storm
Yesterday, Mothers Out Front organized a twitter storm using the hashtag #ClimateBillWithTeeth to advocate for a strong climate bill from committee. You can see (and retweet) these tweets ([link removed]) from 350 Mass ([link removed]) and allies ([link removed]) to help boost the message. Twitter is a great way to engage with activists and powerholders alike, especially in these times. If you are on twitter, be sure to follow @350Mass. Send the @350Mass account a direct message in twitter if you wanted to be added to our "retweet squad" so you can learn about future twitter storms before they happen.
** We're Hiring!
The Better Future Project is looking for a dynamic, experienced individual to join our team as our first-ever Deputy Director. Want to apply, or know someone who would be a great fit? Learn more about the position. ([link removed])
** Other 350 Mass News
Help Needed by 8 am Monday for Climate Legislation: A bill, H4440/S636, would authorize the state's independent retirement boards to divest from fossil fuel companies. We need your help to bring it to a vote. Local climate and labor organizations have joined together in a week-long push urging elected officials to sign a letter to the House Speaker and Senate President. Read the letter here ([link removed]) and send this form ([link removed]) to mayors, city council members, selectmen, and retirement board officials. The letter will be delivered next Monday!
Tech Help Drop-in Hours: Need tech help? On Thursdays, 350 Mass' Digital Organizer and Communications Specialist Sam Payne offers free drop-in hours for Zoom troubleshooting, social media training, google drive/docs training, phonebank troubleshooting, and more. Here's the Zoom link. ([link removed]) Every Thu, 11 am-noon.
Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE) team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing, at
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting letters published! Read some of them here:
* Kerry Castonguay's letter in Sentinel & Enterprise: Re: The world is better off than you probably think it is ([link removed])
* Fred Hewett's article in WBUR's Cognoscenti: Why wasn't climate the electoral lever we thought it would be? ([link removed])
* Mary Memmot's letter in Sentinel & Enterprise: In response to “Biden must not burden businesses” ([link removed])
* Brent Whelan's letter in the Boston Globe: If we have to drive, let's at least go electric ([link removed])
** Other Climate Movement News
Teach-in on New England's Wholesale Power Markets: New England’s electricity system is more expensive and polluting than it should be. But the region is moving to achieve its ambitious climate goals, and we have an opportunity to reshape our system to promote affordable clean energy, healthy communities, and climate protection. The AGO is hosting a virtual “teach-in” to help the public better understand how decisions are made about the markets today and in the future as we transition to affordable clean energy. Sign up here. ([link removed]) Wed, Dec 9, 10 am.
** Solidarity Opportunities
Support Families in the Boston Public Schools During the COVID Crisis: As the pandemic continues, families across Boston are feeling the impact of lost jobs and declining incomes. The Unafraid Educators Committee has partnered with Boston Educator’s Justice Alliance (BEJA) to establish a Relief Fund for Boston Students & Families. The fund is available to all families with children in the Boston Public Schools, and is accessible to all families, regardless of immigration status or eligibility for other benefits. Donate here ([link removed]) .
Support Police Reform at a Critical Moment: The MA State Legislature has passed a police reform bill that takes serious steps toward racial justice. It includes common-sense measures supported by large majorities of Massachusetts residents that would increase accountability and civilian oversight. The end of session is coming up fast and Governor Baker must act now to approve this reform. Send him a letter here ([link removed]) .
Is this newsletter a helpful resource? Help us make it possible by donating ([link removed]) today!
** About Better Future Project and 350 Mass
Better Future Project (BFP) ([link removed]) builds grassroots power to advance a rapid transition beyond fossil fuels. 350 Mass ([link removed]) is Better Future Project's volunteer-led climate action network.
We're on Facebook ([link removed]) and Twitter ([link removed]) . Did you receive this email from a friend? You can subscribe here. ([link removed])
Questions? Email Alan Palm,
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected])
Upcoming Node Meetings
All are welcome! Use the password 350ma.
Wed, Dec 16, 6-8 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Boston (including Allston-Brighton)
Tue, Dec 8, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Tue, Dec 8, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Cape Cod
Thu, Dec 10, 5:30-7 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Charles River
Wed, Dec 16, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Greater Franklin
Thu, Dec 17, 7-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Wed, Dec 9, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Wed, Dec 9, noon-1:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Thu, Dec 17, 6:45-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Tue, Dec 14, 7-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
North Shore
Tue, Jan 5, 6:30-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
South Coast
Tue, Dec 8, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom Link ([link removed])
South Shore
Tue, Dec 14, 7:30-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Upper Charles
Mon, Dec 28, 7-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Sun, Dec 20, 4:15-6 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
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