Join National Priorities Project on Wednesday for a virtual celebration of the community that keeps our work going!


Dear John,

Join us for an NPP friends and family event on Zoom!

This crazy year is almost over, and all of us at NPP are quite eager to move on to the next chapter — but not before we take some time to reflect on what we've managed to accomplish in 2020, with your support!

We've got plenty to share about what we've been up to in these unprecedented times, and what we have in the works to prepare for the political challenges ahead in 2021.

In lieu of NPP's annual fall party in our hometown of Northampton, Massachusetts, we're holding a Zoom get-together this Wednesday to virtually celebrate the community that keeps us going—come join us!

Wednesday, December 9

Registration required: RSVP at this Zoom link!

NPP's Lindsay KoshgarianAshik Siddique, and Lorah Steichen will lay out highlights from what's been keeping us busy this year, both inside Washington DC, and with movements organizing political power on the outside.

We've been part of some major political breakthroughs, with friends like Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Mark Pocan organizing more support in Congress than we've seen in decades for cutting Pentagon funding—a strong baseline we'll keep building for critical budget fights next year, especially with the progressive "Squad" now expanded in the House.

We've helped build ever stronger connections across movements, drawing out links against militarism with champions for a moral budget like Rev. Dr. William Barber of the Poor People's Campaign, and more orgs working toward climate justice, immigrant rights, racial justice, and progressive economic policies.

And we'll share a sneak peek at what we’ve got planned for 2021...

Most importantly, we will recognize our wonderful community of supporters and friends!

Join us this Wednesday on Zoom!

Hope to see you there!

Lindsay, Lorah, Ashik, and the NPP team at IPS

P.S. NPP runs on readers like you.
Chip in $3 today to support our work!

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National Priorities Project
351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #442, Northampton, MA 01060, United States
[email protected] |
NPP is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.
