Shine the light of intelligent design and bring hope to many during these troubled times.

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CSC 2021 Projects Campaign Header Image
December 8, 2020
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Dear Jack:

“If anyone is having a hard time right now...wondering if there is a Creator, that science erases him and proves that he isn’t real…You are not alone. I was there once...I was in that dark abyss. I was one who once was convinced that there was no God, ridiculed others and belittled them.”

These words come from Bryan, a young man who recently posted his story in response to one of our YouTube videos. Bryan began to lose his faith in God after reading books by Darwinian biologist Richard Dawkins and others. By the time he was in college, he was convinced there was no God and that “blind evolution...explained everything.”

Then he stumbled across a book by Center for Science and Culture (CSC) Senior Fellow and biologist Michael Denton. That led him to more books and videos produced by the CSC. He says he cried and hugged Michael Behe’s book Darwin’s Black Box, and he also cried after reading Signature in the Cell by Steve Meyer.

This is just one life changed because of those who supported the work of the Center for Science and Culture in 2020, specifically our Research and Scholarship Initiative.

Our Fellows published 11 books and 233 popular articles in 2020. Researchers funded by our ID 3.0 Research Initiative published 59 scientific/scholarly articles in the last five years, along with conducting 29 research projects. This initiative is core to what we do, as it provides scientific evidence for design and scholarly arguments refuting materialism that are disseminated through our events, documentaries, podcasts and news sites.

Of course, there are hundreds of thousands more like Bryan to be reached in the coming year. We want you to light the way for them with the powerful truth of intelligent design.

We have exciting plans for 2021, including Phase 2 of our ID 3.0 Research Initiative, the publication of The Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Meyer, as well as other scholarly books and articles by our Fellows.

That’s why we need you by our side as we move through December and set our budget for 2021.

Will you consider a generous gift today?

Kelley Unger, Director
Development Operations
Center for Science & Culture

P.S. Just for giving online today, you will receive a free digital monograph, Darwin’s Three Big Ideas that Impacted Humanity. If you are able to donate $300 or more, you also will gain access to a new private, donors-only online community we are launching in early 2021.

Donate to the CSC

Here's how your gift can make an impact:

$125 funds editing and producing an article for Evolution News.

$350 supports production of an ID the Future podcast.

$1,000 sponsors a social media campaign for one of our books for a week.

$6,000 enables one student to participate in our summer seminar program.

$25,000 or more supports an ID 3.0 research project or fellowship.

Donate to the CSC

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Discovery Institute
Center for Science and Culture
208 Columbia St.
Seattle, WA 98104

phone: 206-292-0401 | fax: 206-682-5320

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