Progress and New Initiatives |

Black Lives Matter is the largest social movement in the history of this country.
Corporations are making statements in support — but statements are easy. Ensuring that People of Color are hired, paid, promoted, and retained equitably is less so.
We cannot allow the corporate response to be merely words. Together, we can compel action.
We’ve gathered data on corporate Racial Justice statements, analyzed it, scored it, and made it public… READ MORE >>
Invest Your Values: Prison Free Funds
Are you profiting from private prisons? For-profit firms are flooding the enormously profitable private prison and border detention industries, lobbying for harsher policing…
Banks finally step up—in a big way
Banks continue to finance oil & gas companies and projects,
locking in fossil fuel use for decades. When we first started talking about “financed emissions,” banks outright denied responsibility…
- Kroger, the nation’s largest grocery chain, committed to make its packaging 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable
- Starbucks agreed to shift from single-use to reusable packaging, and to conduct unprecedented research to promote customer behavior change, develop reusable container goals, and cut its global packaged waste 50%
- Colgate-Palmolive began shipping the first recyclable toothpaste tube. About 400 million toothpaste tubes are discarded every year in the U.S., and 1.5 billion globally
- YUM! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut), the world’s largest quick service restaurant company, agreed to end polystyrene foam packaging globally.
Click here for Morgan Stanley, Duke Energy, General Mills and others… READ MORE >>


Funding Racial Justice
The George Floyd murder and the national outrage kindled an introspection at As You Sow that resulted in launching a Racial Justice initiative without dedicated funding. We as a group simply could not stand by when our expertise could move the needle, in a way that mattered.
Your gift is the resource that makes it happen.
We were able to launch this work only because of your belief in us. We cannot allow empty statements of support for Racial Justice that are not backed with action.
Together, we’ll hold corporations accountable.
We’ve got the data. Now we’ll go one-on-one with the companies.
Will you help?
The number of companies we take on depends directly on how much money we raise.
Make it happen. Give today.

Give online today:
As You Sow gets big companies to make big changes, to benefit people, planet, and profit. Because the corporations creating problems have got to be part of the solution.

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