President Trump’s Most Important Speech Provides Details About The 2020 Election Voter Fraud

Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:54 AM PST

Listen to the most important speech President Donald Trump has ever given to call for the protection and integrity of this and all future Presidential elections, in accordance with the provisions of the US Constitution, so the 2020 election criminal conspiracy will never happen again.


Democrats foolishly elected a Trojan horse

Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:58 AM PST

By William Haupt III  | The Center Square

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., watch fireworks during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. - Photo by Andrew Harnik / AP


“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'."

– Herbert Hoover

The story of the Trojan horse is a tale from the Trojan-Greek War. It tells the stratagem the Greeks used to sneak into Troy and subdue their enemy to claim victory. Historians reveal how the Greeks built a mammoth wooden horse and hid their best warriors inside it. They placed the horse outside the gates of Troy. They cleverly sent some of their ships sailing off into the sunset to deceive the Trojans into believing that they had given up and had left the horse as a gift and peace offering.

Later that evening, the Trojans brought the horse into the city to admire as a trophy for victory. After feasting and celebrating they went to bed happy and content. But while they slept the Greeks crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of their army to sneak into Troy. And by the early morn the Greeks had captured the city of Troy. The Trojans leaned, “beware of Greeks baring gifts, because no matter how good they look on the outside, it is what is on the inside that matters most.”

Since the election of Barack Obama, the far left has been confident they had complete control of our republic. And within a few elections we’d adopt their brand of new socialism. They have been choosing their next candidate soon after they won an election. They then spent four years selling them to voters while the right was shooting themselves in both feet debating against themselves.

“Now that we won this election we’ll complete everything that Barack Obama started.”

– Nancy Pelosi

When America elected Donald Trump in 2016, the left had to spend every waking hour trying to take him out instead of promoting their 2020 candidate. Soon they were shooting themselves in both feet debating each other, who would be the most ideal socialist to run in the 2020 election.

During the first Democratic debate, the most personal attack was aimed at Joe Biden, not Donald Trump. Senator Kamala Harris criticized Biden on his past position on race, and his opposition to busing. She also chastised him for his past relationships with segregationist lawmakers and she nailed him on his lies about being a Civil Rights worker. Biden told Harris that her attack was "a mischaracterization of my position across the board." But he refused to elaborate or rebuff her.

If the 2016 election had gone as planned and Hillary Clinton had worked her magic, the left had socialist upstart Kamala Harris primed to take over and finish the transformation of America into a socialist promised land. But at the end of the day, when socialist darling Bernie Sanders captured the hearts of young socialists, they snatched Joe Biden out of the old folk’s home to be their Trojan horse.

“I was the guy who worked for Obama for years. That’s all I have to say!”

– Joe Biden)

After the success of Donald Trump, the left knew electing the left coast socialist in the U.S. Senate would be a tough sell to America. So they devised a plan to get her into office using a Trojan horse. By running Biden as a centrist, who’d flip-flop like a fish out of water, voters would likely elect him. With Obama clone, socialist Harris as his VP, she’d enter the White House through the back door.

Since Harris was elected to the Senate, she has the most liberal voting record in Congress. But as Democratic nominee Biden announced Harris as his VP, the New York Times wasted no time declaring her a “moderate.” The Los Angeles Times labeled her a “centrist” and ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos told viewers, “Kamala Harris comes from the middle of the road wing of her party.”

If this sounds like false advertising, it is. According to nonpartisan watchdogs at GovTrack, Harris was the most liberal U.S. senator in 2019. They found Harris signed the least bipartisan bills in the Senate. Brian Riedl of Manhattan Institute reported her proposed $46 trillion in new spending over the next decade is “mind-numbing.” She supports the unreal Green New Deal, socialized medicine, and free health care for illegal immigrants. She is pro abortion and believes Catholics are unfit for the Supreme Court.

“I believe we spend way too much on police departments and too little on people.”

– Kamala Harris

Democrats had moved so far left, they knew they’d never woo Trump voters in battleground states by running a candidate that is so radically left of center. That’s why when Sanders’ campaign took off like a roadrunner on steroids, the left unearthed “good ol Joe.” They knew at age 78, it’d be easy to send him back home and fill their entire wish list with socialist Harris in office for a decade plus.

The radical left knew they had to appeal to moderates and socialists to win the election. And they successfully confused those sitting on the fence by electing a Trojan horse. They pitched Biden as a liberal to moderates. They turned around and praised the far left voting record of Harris to their anti-capitalist socialist comrades. They deceived gullible Americans into electing a Trojon horse.

U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Washington, described by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "a highly prized rising star in the Democratic party" and co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, appeared on a recent late-night talk show. She said as soon as we get Biden in the White House, we have the support to “push him to doing things he had not signed off on.” She continued, “Biden’s moderate veneer is easily moved.”

“I know how to create political space through movement building.”

– Rep. Pramila Jayapal

During a recent 60 Minutes interview, Kamala Harris struggled for answers when asked about her far-left political history. When Norah O'Donnell mentioned her political views were so different from Joe Biden's, she replied she will share her "lived experience" and "perspective" with him on issues. When asked if it would be her socialist anti-capitalist views, she laughed again, “Oh No, No! It will be those from a woman who grew up as a black child in America based on personal experience.”

It is no wonder why most Americans do not trust the media today. In a recent Knight Foundation poll, they found that trust in the media is the lowest since it has been tracked. They reported that 86% of all Americans say there is either a “large amount” or a “great deal” of political bias in news coverage. An astonishing nine out of every 10 Americans think journalists falsely report the news.

Democratic voters didn’t have a clue that they voted for a Trojan Horse this election when they cast their vote for Biden. Moderate and radical Democrats alike voted for a socialist administration that will climb out of the Biden Trojan horse’s belly within days after the election is certified. By the time Harris leaves office in a decade, “America will be home to the socialists and the land of the wimps.”

The left wanted to replace capitalism with socialism for decades and America would not buy it. But this time they fooled voters just as the Greeks hoodwinked the Trojans. Voters didn’t remember to “beware of Greeks baring gifts!” They are always a booby prize. We just saw history repeat itself. This proved “There’s a sucker born every decade.”

“The tactics of Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini, and the invasion of New Deal Collectivism were introduced by the same Trojan horse.”

– Herbert Hoover


William Haupt III

Contributing Columnist William Haupt III is a retired professional journalist, author, and citizen legislator in California for over 40 years. He got his start working to approve California Proposition 13.

The Pendulum Notches Down

Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:36 PM PST


AP Photo/Ben Gray

On their monumental hit, “Sign Of The Southern Cross,” Black Sabbath vocalist Ronnie James Dio proclaims, “I won’t accept it anymore.”

Hundreds of courageous citizens are stepping forward from out the inner-city vote-counting sanctums and finding their voice. Their voices, combined together in a condemnatory chorus, bode ill for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

The evidentiary pendulum notched down last week, ever closer to the lifeblood organs of a concerted and thuggish scheme now strapped down on a slab by Rudy Giuliani and the President Trump legal team. At the very least, any potential Biden/Harris administration is doomed to asterisk from the standpoint of historical legacy. It is in no way clear that they came close to winning the 2020 election.

At best, President Trump gets his rightful four more years.

It may not even be Biden’s fault. It’s quite plausible that he cannot grasp how thoroughly and blatantly the operative apparatchiks plotted to commit the political crime of this or any century. Vice-presidential tag-along Kamala Harris, reeking of Venezuelan-reminiscent totalitarian stacked-deck vote counts, would likely know, however.

In America, even as the “good crisis” represented by COVID is not wasted by the Left, citizens can still come forward and testify. They are coming forward by the score, under penalty of perjury and jail time, some near tears, others with righteous indignation, and some possessed of the quiet calm of people who have witnessed something awesome and terrible. Something that speaks of the end of empires, the collapse of republics.

These brave whistleblowers, along with a winning plurality of Trump voters, are hoping that somebody, some court, some legislature, the Supreme Court, steps in and reverses the targeted plague of Democrat Socialist thievery that becomes more evident with each passing hour.

The cable news media landscape is toxic with fallout from the battle.

At Newsmax TV, new home to countless numbers of Fox News refugees blown out of the ratings water by FNC’s astoundingly bad election night coverage, the overarching mantra is, “It’s not over.” The mantra wavers back and forth between sounding like a “Hail Mary” to sounding prescient.

At the old mother ship, stalwart Sean Hannity sits behind the wheel of a similar mission, to root out and expose an alleged epidemic of election fraud perpetrated under cover of darkness in the battleground states, with Laura Ingraham riding shotgun. On Wednesday, the network ran, live and uninterrupted, Trump’s election integrity speech the president characterized as possibly “the most important speech I’ve ever made.”

But things have changed at FNC, and Newsmax is poised to capitalize on the fact that after years of benefitting from the ratings bonanza garnered by Trump coverage and rallies, the Murdoch brothers’ programming “brain room” is proceeding on the assumption that Biden is the president-elect, despite growing evidence to the contrary.

The major-network Trump-haters cut into the president’s Wednesday speech to decry his message. No shocker, they are lockstep discounting the alleged compromised election integrity story. On election night, CNN’s Van “Crybaby” Jones brushed away his joyful tears long enough to proclaim, in so many words, that leftists shouldn’t be too happy. That after four years (to paraphrase) of an uncouth, corrupted racist bigot in the White House, millions of Americans still voted for Trump.

Jones is right about one thing: the nation did vote again for Mr. Trump, and evidence mounts that 2020 was no squeaker. It is eminently possible that had it not been for Democrat fraud on a grand scale, our 45th commander-in-chief would have won one of the biggest landslides in U.S. history. It is also possible that radical leftist Jones had an inkling that the fix was in, and is only surprised about how strong Trump’s showing was, and how far the vote-count manipulators had to go to stem the tide.

Now, Georgia looms on the horizon like the Southern cross so epically captured in what is possibly the greatest song of Black Sabbath’s Dio era. The run-off will be a sign of whether or not evil can ride again, in the wake of evil. Democrat victories there—despite spotlight focus on every disreputable nook and cranny of the attempted heist—will come as a sure sign that the game of integrity has become inalterably subsumed by leviathan powers that will never countenance a Donald Trump, or America First leadership again.

In the wake of that potentiality, some media analysts predict that cable news ratings will collapse. They will collapse in part because of the absence of ratings-generator Trump; alternate programming choices will rise to the fore. If the COVID vaccines prove effective, the nation may abandon what might become in 2020 retrospect a farcical news media and its empty cycles and liar polling for the experience of actual life itself.

If election results are perceived by a majority of the voting public to be fraudulent, what possible difference will “fair and balanced” make? Who’s going to give a damn about a fixed horserace? For right-leaning voters, if there is no legitimate chance for Republicans to win, why put up with all the palaver? For the older set, why raise the blood pressure?

Conservatives will walk away from paying attention to legitimized fraud. Democrats, having moved the goalposts so many times the game is meaningless, may come to find CNN and MSNBC’s toothless, content-disabled conspiracy-TV diatribes to be so much tilting at nonexistent windmills.

Much more importantly, if Giuliani and company incontrovertibly prove election fraud to the extent that Trump won, and the courts, key elected officials, and elected entities like the state legislatures punt in the interest of “moving on” or dispatching a president and vision they did not find expedient to their purposes, a deathblow will be inalterably dealt to the self-governing ideal that the nation was founded upon.

If Trump’s election integrity pendulum fails to sever the lifeblood viscera of the Democrats’ stolen election, Americans will see the sign: their vote doesn’t matter. And a new American Dark Age will begin.


Mark Ellis is Associate Editor at the Northwest Connection, Portland, Oregon’s only conservative web/print publication. He is the author of A Death on the Horizona finalist in the 14th annual National Indie Excellence Awards in the category of General Fiction. Follow Mark on Twitter.



Patrick Basham: 'Bizarre anomalies' abound in 2020 election trends

Screenshot: Mark Levin

The director of the Democracy Institute, Patrick Basham, sounds off on Sunday's 'Life, Liberty & Levin'

Screenshot: Mark Levin (Left), Patrick Basham (Right)