From =?iso-8859-1?q?Juli=E1n?= Castro <[email protected]>
Subject Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction
Date December 8, 2020 4:05 PM
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Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States , and he has the right to choose his Cabinet.

Unfortunately, despite the experienced and eminently qualified nominees he’s rolled out so far, Republican senators are already signaling a return to their Obama-era agenda: obstruction, obstruction, obstruction .

Each of the president-elect’s nominees will likely face an uphill confirmation battle. With this in mind, Voto Latino has put together a survey on potential Republican obstruction.

Will you fill out Voto Latino’s GOP Senate Obstruction Survey? >>> [link removed]

As someone who’s experienced the Cabinet confirmation process firsthand, I can tell you it’s grueling -- even more so when senators from the opposing party refuse to give your nomination a fair hearing in the Senate .

Back in 2016, many of the same GOP senators trying to obstruct President-elect Biden’s nominees said publicly (on multiple occasions) that a newly elected president reserves the right to choose a qualified Cabinet. I agree.

If you agree as well, please take a moment to fill out Voto Latino’s survey.
>>> [link removed]

Thank you,
Julián Castro,
16th Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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