Tuesday, December 8, 2020

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary Bauer

[Special Notice: You are receiving this message from my non-profit organization, American Values. American Values is renting the Campaign for Working Families e-mail list at fair market value. If you do not wish to receive messages from American Values, please click here to opt-out.

Stand For Life!

We don't know how the election battle will come out, but we know this much: The furious left never gives up, it always doubles down. It will do more, not less, no matter what.

And right now, the left is launching an all-out assault against our pro-life values.

In yesterday's report I told you that pro-abortion extremist Xavier Becerra could well be in charge of the nation's healthcare policies next year. There's even more disturbing news I will share with you later in today's "End of Day" report.

My friends, we cannot give up. 

We must dig in and fight back!

We MUST defend our values!

Year-end donations account for a significant portion of our annual budget, and we need a strong end-of-year showing as we prepare for 2021.

Don't forget that your donations to American Values are fully tax-deductible, so please be as generous as you can!

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to American Values are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be mailed to the following address:

American Values
PO Box 1223
Merrifield, VA 22116-1223

Phone: 703-671-9700

American Values | ouramericanvalues.org