By Virginia Christian Alliance on Dec 08, 2020 05:06 am
All of this end-of-the-age spiritual warfare, straight out of Ephesians 6:12, has seemed to be fought particularly in America. The moment Donald J. Trump was made his political party’s nominee, the battle roared to life in ways not seen in my lifetime. The satanic minions were knocked off balance, losing equilibrium—and all sanity—from that moment. They are scrambling more frantically than ever to regain lost time in the globalist onslaught they began following World War II with the establishment of the United Nations.
Still, as the battle rages, the force that resists is largely hidden, spiritually speaking. But it is there, and it is a pent-up force that I sense is about to be unleashed in ways those of us within whom it resides can’t fully fathom.
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By Dr. Michael Brown on Dec 08, 2020 04:07 am
A missionary with the China Inland Mission wrote to Betty’s parents: “A life which had the longest span of years might not have been able to accomplish one-hundredth of the work for Christ which they have done in a day.” That is the power of martyrdom!
The post An Urgent Call to a Holy Uprising appeared first on Virginia Christian Alliance.
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By Virginia Christian Alliance on Dec 08, 2020 03:14 am
It was late October when AFA released In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality, our original, feature-length documentary from American Family Studios. Over these few weeks since its release, we are hearing from thousands who are finding the hope of the gospel presented in In His Image. More than 110,000 have registered to watch the movie with over 334,000 plays and 13,000 have financially partnered with AFA and will receive the 2-Disc DVD set, now being shipped over all 50 states and even to some in countries outside of the U.S. Lives are being transformed, and families who are desperate for truth are finding real hope.
The post Trans Indoctrination of Our Children appeared first on Virginia Christian Alliance.
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