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Dear Friends of Identity,

We are all facing challenges this year that we never dreamed of. I know you are adjusting where you can, and coping stoically where you cannot, but for many families like Rita’s, the situation is nightmarish. 

Rita is a single mom with two school-aged kids who lost her restaurant job early in the pandemic. She tried to keep her family afloat but soon exhausted her savings. Worse, she contracted  COVID-19, which left her with a perforated lung.  Rita was desperate, borrowing money from neighbors for food. Then she found Identity.  Her Case Manager helped her with food, warm winter clothing, and hygiene essentials. When she found out she would be able to receive help with rent, Rita was overcome with emotion, as her landlord just told her he was preparing the paperwork for eviction. 

You can make a difference
Rita, and thousands of others, dodged true disasters because of especially generous gifts from you and others. But looking forward, we are seeing the needs of families stacking up as the pandemic shifts from a short-term crisis to one requiring a longer-term approach to creating a more stable future.

Together, we can help lighten their load.This holiday season, we hope you will consider donating to Identity youth and families.  Your gift will help keep young people engaged in school, older youth engaged in work skills development and their parents equipped to help them.  
Please Donate
Since the beginning of the pandemic: Identity has provided case management and direct client assistance to almost 5000 clients benefitting 25,000 residents, nearly 7 times more than the same period last year, distributed $417,000 in aid to families for food, medicine, rent, baby supplies and other emergency assistance, reached 2900 families with critical information to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and take care of ill family members.
Make an extra impact while you shop. Simply shop at AmazonSmile will donate to Identity, at no cost to you.
Copyright © 2020 Identity, All rights reserved.
We send updates periodically to friends of Identity and individuals who have supported our work.

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Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877

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