The drift toward controlling opinion and expression in academia has intensified greatly.

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December 7, 2020
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Where Will Cancel Culture End? Meet Dorian Abbot

University of Chicago scientist Dorian Abbot is under fire for challenging discrimination against Christian college students interested in science. A mob of grad students, postdoctoral students, undergrads, and others descended on Abbot, calling for his censure and punishment.

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Censored Letter by Michael Behe

Unlike many philosophy journals — or high school student newspapers for that matter — many science journals are remarkably unwilling to publish responses by people whose work has been attacked in their pages. You’d think a bit of controversy would be good for the ol’ journal circulation, but I guess not. The following literary effort never saw the light of day.

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In the Evolution Debate, How Truth Can Prevail

In 1950, sociologist Paul Kecskemeti described how totalitarian regimes control mass communications to ensure that the public only has access to their view of reality. Kecskemeti’s analysis perfectly describes the challenge faced by anyone who wishes to publicly tell the truth about the evidence for design in biology.

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China’s Door-to-Door Census Now Identifies Religious Believers

The Chinese government has used the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to crack down on all religious groups by closing churches, mosques, and temples, and surveilling residences to ensure that people are not gathering for a house church meeting. The census is one more way to identify and target religious groups, particularly Christians.

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Ethicist Protests Politicized Science — Alas, That Horse Left the Barn Long Ago

University of Pennsylvania medical ethicist Genevieve P. Kanter worries about science journals and their increasingly political stances. As she notes, Scientific American even went so far as to endorse a candidate for President.

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