From Lindsey Scholten <[email protected]>
Subject You helped elect these climate champs
Date December 7, 2020 11:00 PM
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Have you used your Political Tax Credit yet this year? It’s a $50 donation ($100 for couples filing jointly) that you can give to OLCV PAC and get it back when you file your taxes! Click here to donate: [[link removed]]

Hi John,

In 2019 and again earlier this year, Republicans in the Senate walked out to kill climate legislation. Going into this year’s elections, we knew we had to hold Republicans who walked out accountable and protect our climate champions in the House.

Here’s how we did:

In the race for Secretary of State, our top priority race, Senator Shemia Fagan soundly defeated Senator Kim Thatcher, a climate denier who was named to LCV’s ‘Dirty Dozen in the States’ list.

Jason Kropf had a resounding victory in Bend’s House District 54, defeating incumbent Representative Cheri Helt who voted against the Clean Energy Jobs bill and received thousands from oil companies.

Deb Patterson won in the race for Salem’s Senate District 10, defeating Senator Denyc Boles who has the distinction of being the only legislator who voted against the Clean Energy Jobs bill while she was in the House and then walked out to kill it after she was appointed to the Senate.

We protected climate champions in the house, including freshmen Representatives Courtney Neron, Rachel Prusak, and Anna Williams, who all voted for the Clean Energy Jobs bill.

They will be joined by new climate champions State Representatives-elect Wlnsvey Campos of Aloha; Maxine Dexter, Lisa Reynolds, and Khanh Pham of Portland; Dacia Grayber of Tigard; Zach Hudson of Troutdale; and Ricki Ruiz of Gresham.

And two new fighters for climate action will join the Senate – State Senators-elect Kate Lieber from Beaverton and Chris Gorsek from Troutdale/Gresham.

None of this would have been possible without your support.

Please use your Political Tax Credit to donate to OLCV PAC today and help us continue electing environmental champions and holding our elected leaders accountable: [[link removed]]

If you don’t qualify for the tax credit or you’ve already used yours this year, please consider making a special year-end gift to OLCV of whatever amount is right for you.

Thanks for all you do!
Lindsey Scholten, Political Director OLCV

PS: If you qualify for Oregon's Political Tax Credit you can give $50 or $100 to OLCV PAC and get it back when you file your taxes. It's like a free donation! Click here to find out if you qualify: [[link removed]]

Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600
Portland, OR 97204
United States

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