Things are heating up in Georgia, folks!

As Democrats Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock head to January 5th runoffs, they’re surging into the lead against their opponents:

Jon Ossoff (D): 50%
David Perdue (R): 48%

Reverend Raphael Warnock (D): 52%
Kelly Loeffler (R): 45%

Winning these Georgia runoffs is our LAST chance to flip the Senate and end Mitch McConnell’s dangerous reign. Please, rush a split donation between Jon Ossoff, Rev. Warnock, and our work to flip the Senate now >>

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Mitch McConnell’s dark money machine bought too many elections this cycle — despite good polling for Democrats. We cannot let our guard down and allow them to do the same in Georgia.

Already, McConnell’s donor network has funneled more than $70 million into Georgia. And that’s ON TOP of the tens of millions of dollars Kelly Loeffler is spending to self-fund her campaign.

The attacks are flooding Georgia — Jon and Rev. Warnock need our immediate help to overcome the right-wing money machine. So, I’m turning to you:

If President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris want to make progress and move our country forward, we have to deliver them a Democratic Senate. Please, rush anything you can to help Jon Ossoff and Rev. Warnock flip their seats blue next month >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This incredible team has won some tough fights before. Let’s give it everything we’ve got to win this time around, too.

— Jon