Hi friend, Over the past year we’ve talked a lot about healthcare and how important it is that every American has the opportunity to have affordable coverage. That’s why I wanted to send you an email reminding you of the open enrollment period. The Affordable Care Act was created to make sure that every American regardless of pre-existing conditions has a path to an affordable healthcare plan. But to make sure you’re covered, you need to register during this open enrollment period which ends on December 15th.
If you do not currently have health insurance or if you would like to find a new plan, you can choose the plan right for you and your family on the Health Insurance Marketplace at HealthCare.gov. I encourage you to take the time to explore what options are available to you and your family. We need to make sure that Americans are covered, especially during this pandemic. So I urge you to wear a mask, stay socially distanced, and if you don’t have health insurance, sign up today to get covered. Yours, Yvette