Monday, December 7, 2020
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Stand With Me!
Have you heard about Angela Marsden? I'll explain more later in today's "End of Day" report, but she's organizing protests against draconian COVID lockdown orders.
Frankly, I'm glad to see someone is standing up and saying, "ENOUGH!"
The left has declared war on working class Americans, and it has got to stop!
The radical left has been attacking our values for years. But now left-wing bureaucrats are making it impossible for small business owners and their workers to make a living.
What they are doing is fundamentally un-American.
We must defend our values!
And that's exactly what we are doing every day at American Values!
Year-end donations account for a significant portion of our annual budget, and we need a strong end-of-year showing as we prepare for 2021.
Please stand with me now so we can continue to be your voice in Washington.