I hope you are as inspired as I am by the acts of love and hope that AFSC supporters like you have helped make happen this year. I am so encouraged by the vision and commitment of our global AFSC community. It’s a vision that honors the worth and dignity of every person, one of the core Quaker values that undergirds all of our work. And a commitment that spreads light in times of darkness.
Your gift supports community efforts to help people meet basic needs and survive this pandemic. For example:
In South Florida, we have brought food, protective equipment, cash assistance, and virus testing directly to migrant farmworkers who are considered “essential workers,” but have been left out of government aid.
In New Mexico, our Farm to Food Bank project has helped farmers stay afloat, and has provided more than 12,000 lbs of fresh, local produce to hungry people.
In Somalia and other places where refugees are living in crowded conditions, we have provided handwashing stations, distributed food vouchers and protective equipment, and trained young people to support educational campaigns to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
In addition to helping with these immediate needs, your gift also supports our work to dismantle the inequity and oppression faced by so many in our communities.