Labor Radio Podcast Weekly:Black Work Talk; Working to Live in Southwest Washington; Willamette Wake Up; Labor Express Radio; Laborlines; Breaktime Breakdown; Belabored; Grit Northwest; San Francisco Mime Troupe.
'Totally different atmosphere'; Grocery store employees speak out It’s a tough job and grocery store workers are feeling it now more than ever with crowded stores, holiday stress, and coronavirus cases spiking. On top of that, reports Fox5 TV, some workers say customers have done a 180 since the pandemic began. “A totally different atmosphere,” said UFCW 400 member Jane St. Louis, who works at the Safeway in Damascus. St. Louis, who has worked for Safeway for 28 years, says at the start of the pandemic she developed anxiety she never had before. But back then, it was the customers who made going to work a little easier. She says now that gratitude is rare and people are more careless and impatient as they shop. Read more here.
News Guild 32035 election results announced The Washington-Baltimore News Guild, Local 32035 recently announced the results of the 2020 Executive Council election. The following candidates ran uncontested: Fatima Hussein, Bloomberg, President; Katie Mettler, Washington Post, Vice President; Justin Moyer, Washington Post, Treasurer; David DeJesus, Washington Post, Secretary. Click here for the list of delegates elected.
The picture of safety The Finishing Trades Institute of Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Vicinities "delivered OSHA 30 training to our members," reported Painters District Council 51 on their Facebook page "Congratulations to these participants who take safety on the job to the next level." FTI's mission "is to provide apprentices and journey workers advanced and necessary skills to compete in the ever-changing climate of the construction and safety industry so that excellence in business can be achieved."
Today's Labor Quote: Jared Bernstein
Recently appointed to President-elect Joe Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors, Bernstein, who grew up with a single mother who was a lifelong educator, said: “Her proudest moment wasn’t when I got a Ph.D., it was when I got a union card with Local 802, the New York City musicians’ union.” Bernstein earned a degree in music from Manhattan School of Music and went on to earn a doctorate in economics from Columbia University.
Today's Labor History This week’s Labor History Today podcast: America’s last general strike Last week’s show: Monopoly and Class Struggle: The games we play
Heywood Broun born in New York City. Journalist, columnist and co-founder, in 1933, of The Newspaper Guild - 1888
Steam boiler operators from 11 cities across the country meet in Chicago to form the National Union of Steam Engineers of America, the forerunner to the International Union of Operating Engineers. Each of the men represented a local union of 40 members or fewer - 1896
More than 1,600 protesters staged a national hunger march on Washington, D.C. to present demands for unemployment insurance - 1931 United Hatters, Cap & Millinery Workers International Union merges into Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union - 1982
Delegates to the founding convention of the National Nurses United (NNU) in Phoenix, Ariz. unanimously endorse the creation of the largest union and professional organization of registered nurses in U.S. history. The 150,000-member union is the product of merger of three groups - 2009
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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