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Legal Expert: There is No Deadline to Choose Presidential Electors Before Jan. 20 Inauguration Date
“In 1876, they decided the election contest for Presidential electors less than 48 hours before inauguration day, which was in March back then. Any talk about “have to decide by December 8' is not Constitutionally-rooted. What should matter ...

Look What America Did in 1876 When The Presidential Election Was Similarly Contested
Here's what they did…..

The disputed election

On election day Tilden led Hayes by more than 260,000 votes and appeared on the verge of winning an electoral college majority, having swept much of the South; he also won the border states ...

Germany: Muslim Migrant Hailed as ‘Model Refugee’ Murders Handicapped Man
The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do. The German-language news outlet Bild reported Monday that “the almost blind and handicapped ex-cook Helmut K. († 50) from ...

Poll: Most Georgia voters want special session to require verification of mail-in ballot signatures
Lest we forget: “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”

We the people!

Scroll all Voter fraud posts here. 

Presidential Election: The Big Steal

Poll: Most Georgia voters ...

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, GA. County Ran EQUAL Number of Trump and Biden Votes But Tabulator Reported 26% Lead For Biden
Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden

This is but one county and on one tabulator alone.

VotingWorks, Which ...

IT’S HAPPENING: Trump Team Begins Forensic Examination of Dominion Machines in Michigan
“A judge actually granted our team access … to conduct a forensic audit.” And now our army of white hats can get receipts.

Trump Team Begins Forensic Examination of Dominion Machines in Michigan

President Donald Trump’s legal team ...

GOP Rally With Trump vs GOP Rally Without Trump…Any Questions?
Without President Trump the GOP is nothing. The GOP establishment needs to make a choice. They can either embrace the Trump movement, or they can go into obsolescence. Just like the Whig Party did. A political party is not sustainable if the party ...

Nazi Collaborator George Soros Picks 💀 Illegitimate Cabinet
Head of the Democrat criminal syndicate, Nazi collaborator George Soros:

The president of George Soros’ corrupt Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard, will resign, opening the way for him to take a position in the Biden administration. ...

President Donald Trump in Georgia: ‘We’re Winning this Election’
What a fighter. What a POTUS. Gd bless this man.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 6, 2020

Donald Trump in Georgia: ‘We’re Winning this Election’

By Breitbart, December 5, ...

222 Republican Congressmen Won’t Recognize Biden 💀 President-Elect
Every Republican must stand with President Trump. His fight is for our fundamental right to free and fair elections. Primary out the traitors.

222 Republican Congressmen Won't Say Biden President-Elect

By Sandy Fitzgerald | 05 December ...

WATCH! Migrant Who Tried to Set Bus Full of Children on Fire Expressed Hatred of Italians in ReleasedVideo

By Breitbart News, December 5, 2020:

A video has emerged of African migrant Ousseynou Sy describing his hatred ...

Dominion Advisor Met With John Podesta Offering ‘Anything’ That Would Help Defeat Trump, According to Email Released by WikiLeaks
Trump must have broken the algorithm in '16 too.

Dominion Advisor Met With John Podesta Offering 'Anything' That Would Help Defeat Trump, According to Email Released by WikiLeaks

By Cassandra Fairbanks, Gateway Pundit, December 5, 2020: ...

Georgia County Can’t Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Exist
No chain of custody? Then its been tamperer with. Uncertifiable.

Georgia’s Dekalb County does not know if it is in possession of the ballot transfer forms used to record the chain of custody for absentee ballots dropped into some 300 drop ...

Palestinians Try to Deny Emiratis Access to Al-Aqsa Mosque
The Palestinians, enraged that the U.A.E. signed a normalization agreement with Israel, have described the Emiratis as “betrayers” who have “stabbed us [the Palestinians] in the back.” They have burned Emirati flags, and defaced, stomped ...

Pro-Israel group head ‘appalled’ at Biden’s latest vile antisemitic pick Karine Jean-Pierre, sees ‘third Obama term’
Karine Jean-Pierre served as the national spokesperson and senior adviser for the BDS-supporting left-wing group This appointment by Joe Biden comes shortly after the appointment of Reema Dodin, who has justified Palestinian suicide ...
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