Earlier tonight, I stepped off the "debate" stage, where my opponent was represented by ... an empty podium.
In many ways, it was the perfect metaphor for David Perdue’s tenure in the Senate.
For the past six years, David Perdue has failed to show up for Georgia. He hasn’t delivered expanded health care access, he’s come up empty-handed on critical COVID-19 relief, he has ignored the needs of working families and small businesses, and he has taken no action on climate change.
He was too busy managing his stock portfolio when the pandemic hit to take meaningful action to try to contain the virus.
Tonight, once more, he failed to show up for Georgia.
Friend, will you make a donation right now to help me send this failed Senator into retirement?
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Here’s the thing, Friend. If David Perdue didn’t want to answer tough questions, that’s fine -- he just shouldn’t be seeking re-election to the United States Senate!
Georgia deserves a Senator who is accountable to the people -- not his corporate donors, and certainly not his own stock portfolio.
This is the people’s Senate seat, and we need leadership that reflects that.
I’m ready to get to Washington so I can fight for more financial relief amid this economic crisis and fight to make health care more accessible and affordable.
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Or, donate another amount.
Thanks for supporting this fight.
-- Jon Ossoff, U.S. Senate candidate, Georgia
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