Things got bad, and my husband accused me of having affair. An emotional affair. I, of course, was speechless. How dare he think my relationship with Joe was something deeper. Something darker. Something more. But when I thought about it — really thought about it — the more I realized he may be on to something.
For some, the ease and instant gratification of online shopping has gotten out of control. What used to be a fun distraction or means for a “treat yourself” occasional splurge is now a full-blown obsession with no hopes of ever paying off the bill.
Confession #25784762 I've had to completely remove all my cards from my favorite shopping places. My shopping has gone out of control during this pandemic.
#25806067 "I've lied to everyone. I say I'm a minimalist, but I LOVE online shopping. I'm homebound, so deliveries give me something to look forward to. I make sure I never have an abundance of stuff, though.”"
#25794437 "I have been shopping online to deal with depression and it makes a horrid cycle. Spending too much makes me anxious, so I shop to feel better. How fucked up is that?"