added as #65 to non citizen voter evidence list
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Giuliani: Enough Illegal immigrants Voting To Change the Course of the Election
For National Release -- December 6, 2020
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Rudy Giuliani announced on the Fox News "Sunday Morning Futures" show today that "...illegal immigrants voting, there are enough illegal immigrants that voted that would change the course of the election," which is the first time the Trump campaign team has mentioned this important facet of voter fraud in the 2020 elections. (View Video Source at 2:24 ([link removed][UNIQID]) )
Giuliani's comments confirm and reinforce ALIPAC ([link removed][UNIQID]) 's decade long effort to warn Americans about non-citizen voters, including illegal immigrants, influencing and stealing US elections.
This important national announcement is being added as documented example #65 to ALIPAC's Evidence of Non-Citizens Voting In US Elections Collection Point. (View & Share HERE ([link removed][UNIQID]) )
ALIPAC is launching an abbreviated version of the interview that focuses in on Rudy Giuliani's mention of illegal immigrants stealing the 2020 Presidential election at this link:
VIDEO: Giuliani: Enough Illegal immigrants Voting To Change the course of the Election
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"While we wish that President Trump had deployed Kris Kobach and Jeff Sessions to stop these large numbers of non-citizens and illegal aliens from voting in the 2020 elections before this point, we are glad to see the Trump team finally tell the nation that enough non-citizen voters voted for Democrats to affect the outcome of the Presidential race and other campaigns," said William Gheen ([link removed][UNIQID]) , spokesman for ALIPAC. "Now we want to see Trump ask Immigration and Customs Enforcement to begin running the names, addresses, and dates of birth of voters in places like Las Vegas, Nevada, against the federal citizenship databases to determine how many illegal non-citizen ballots should be removed from the count."
For more information on ALIPAC's efforts to stop immigration reform Amnesty legislation, illegal immigration, Silicon Valley censorship, and illegal non-citizen voters from giving Democrats full and permanent control of America, please visit ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
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