What's Happening at BPC
This weekly digest highlights BPC's media coverage, latest work, and upcoming events. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email our events team at [email protected]
As the country finalizes the election with state certifications and the Electoral College meeting on December 14, BPC experts begin weighing in on issues beyond the election, including the COVID-19 relief package and immigration reform.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reemphasized that child care is an essential support for working parents, crucial to children’s successful development, and the backbone of a community’s economic development. BPC's Sarah Tracey, Linda Smith, and Maya Jasinska sit down with several child care providers across the country to listen to their challenges amid the pandemic.
Due to the Electoral College process, the 2020 election season did not end when the polls closed on November 3. BPC Policy Analyst Rachel Orey lays out three key dates in December to look out for.
Looking beyond policies, the task of fostering a campus culture which both celebrates viewpoint diversity and acknowledges our country’s history of censorship can be especially challenging, yet crucial to the health of academe. BPC's Cecelia Vieira proposes a "university blacklist course" for campuses to better foster healthy discourse and free expression.
The 2020 election makes clear that neither party has a governing mandate and meaningful solutions must attract broad-based, bipartisan support. During the week of December 7, BPC will present an agenda for bipartisan action during the Solutions Summit: Blueprint to Restore Economic Security for Working Families.
Monday, December 7 - Friday, December 11 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET daily
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