Today, millions of people are gathering around the world in a global Climate Strike. Climate change and nuclear weapons are the two existential threats to humanity and right now, our leaders have been failing to solve them. But today it is the young people who are bringing the moral clarity and sense of urgency that is so desperately needed.
I am therefore really proud that ICAN stands together with 16 other Nobel Peace Prize Laureates in unwavering solidarity with the Global Climate Strike taking place from September 20 to 27—and with the countless young people around the world who are courageously demanding action.
You can read the full statement and see the signatories here.
ICAN consists of thousands of proud activists that all know how much people can change the world. We stand in solidarity with the climate strike and urge our governments to protect our future through joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and take action to halt climate change.
Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
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