APA supports young people's comprehensive development in 5 communities.
APA supports young people's comprehensive development in 5 communities.
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America's Promise Alliance - Making the promise of America real for every child
America's Promise Bulletin - September 19, 2019 
Diverse Communities Take Action on How Learning Happens
America’s Promise has big news! To support young people’s social, emotional, and cognitive growth and development both in and out of school, we’re giving $150,000 in new grants to five diverse communities across the nation:
  • Children’s Institute, Rochester, New York
  • Nashville Public Library Foundation
  • Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco
  • Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy and Transforming Education, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Spartanburg Academic Movement, South Carolina
The selected communities will use their grants to plan convenings that will help them take their work to the next level and are exploring everything from how to engage parents in social and emotional learning (SEL) to aligning SEL practices with strategies for supporting young people with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Discover More About These Communities!
Promise Night 2019: Meet Chekemma J. Fulmore-Townsend
In anticipation of our upcoming Promise Night, we’ll introduce you to each of our four honorees, who are all outstanding individuals extending the Promise of America to every child. 
First in the hot seat: Chekemma J. Fulmore-Townsend, who as the President and CEO of the Philadelphia Youth Network works to give a voice to underserved youth, drive transformation in poverty and inequity, and ultimately create a pipeline for an educated, engaged workforce. From overcoming challenges to her vision to help Philadelphia’s youth, we asked Chekemma to answer some tough questions, which you can check out here. Sneak peek: In only three words, Chekemma describes herself as a “servant, cheerleader, change-agent.” 
To help us spread the word about Chekemma, her fellow honorees, and Promise Night, please use this social media toolkit
Learn more about Promise Night 2019
Mark Your Calendars:
Alliance Actions and Can’t-Miss Reads:
  • The Audacity to Lead: a blog by Aric Hamilton on his experience at State of Young People for America’s Promise 
  • Young Employed Successful: an interview by American University Student, Josh Dantzler on his career journey for America’s Promise 
  • The Children Are Not Well: an op-ed in St. Louis Post-Dispatch by our colleagues and district leaders on the Every School Healthy campaign, Sharonica Hardin-Bartley and Terry Harris, on why all schools should be trauma-informed 
News You Can Use:
America’s Promise Alliance is the driving force behind a nationwide movement to improve the lives and futures of America’s youth. If you would like to support our important mission to amplify the positive impact of youth champions, like Chekemma, and make the promise of America real for every child, please consider donating below. 
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