Dear John,
The greater sage-grouse and its ecosystem are at risk. Sage-grouse populations
are dwindling. This iconic bird needs Endangered Species Act protections now
more than ever. Take action to protect the sage grouse.
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The sage grouse is under threat from climate change and fossil fuel
infrastructure that has destroyed its habitat. But an obscure provision in
Congressional budget negotiations is standing in the way of saving this species.
We need your help, John, to ensure this dwindling
species survives.
It’s time to act. Demand that the greater sage-grouse and its habitat get the
protection they deserve.
Sign Now
[[link removed]]The record-setting wildfire season has placed bird populations, including the
greater sage-grouse, in serious jeopardy. The Pearl Hill fire burned over half
the area where sage-grouse males court females in Douglas County, Washington.
Beyond Washington, sage-grouse populations in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho have seen
their populations decline by over 40% annually.
The Trump Administration has spent the last four years on a rampage to roll back
federal land use protections. Public lands have practically been given away to
Big Oil -- the lands that the sage-grouse depend on. Now, endangered species
protections could help this species come back from the brink.
Demand Congress to stop denying protections to this iconic species.
Sign Now
[[link removed]]Trump has opened millions of acres of our public lands to Big Polluters and
other special interests. He’s been more concerned with fossil fuel industry’s
profits than protecting wildlife, public health, and a safe climate.
Our nation and our planet face an extinction crisis of epic proportions if
something doesn’t change. Last year’s global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystems found that 1 in 8
species on earth are facing extinction.
Our nation is at a crossroads. It is time to act to ensure protection for our
most vulnerable species. John, will you step up and
help protect one of them?
Demand that greater sage-grouse get the protection they deserve.
Sign Now
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
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