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Seriously, what are these people afraid of?

Georgetown Voice (9/19/19) reports: "The Georgetown University College Republicans (GUCR) hosted a rebuttal to the Democratic presidential candidates’ Climate Change Forum, held at the university, on Thursday...During the event, a group of students staged a sit in calling for climate justice...The GUCR event aimed to give voice to conservative viewpoints on climate change. Along with Morano, speakers included Caleb Rossiter and Patrick Michaels from the CO2 Coalition, Paul Driessen from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and Kenny Stein, from the Institute for Energy Research...The protestors played music and alarms, held up signs in the windows from outside, and chanted throughout the event. One of these protestors, sporting a clown costume, interrupted Morano’s presentation by blowing an air horn...Torbert, who appeared to be one of the leaders of the protests, said the group would not accept the hosting of these speakers on campus. 'We want productive conversations,' she said. 'The main goal of this protest is to tell Georgetown, tell the greater community that we don’t accept lies. Especially lies that disproportionately hurt marginalized communities.'"

"The Trump Administration isn’t prohibiting them from manufacturing more fuel-efficient and electric cars. Liberals call the President a totalitarian, but he’s the one giving consumers and businesses a choice."


Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

If you're worried about migratory birds, you're protesting the wrong office. AWEA is on the corner of 15th & M.

E&E News (9/19/19) reports: "Environmentalists are scrambling behind the scenes against upcoming Interior Department rules they fear could lock in reduced protections for migratory birds. In 30-minute meetings across the street from the White House, including one scheduled for tomorrow, environmentalists are laying out their case for why Interior should not proceed with regulations implementing a controversial interpretation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The sessions with Office of Management and Budget officials and others from the Trump administration may be a long shot, but they are also only part of a multifront, multiyear campaign that also takes aim at the courts and Congress...The meetings come in response to the Trump administration's stated intention to codify through regulations an Interior solicitor's opinion that incidental bird take resulting from an otherwise lawful activity is not prohibited under the MBTA...The underlying solicitor's opinion effectively shields from prosecution energy companies and others that unintentionally kill migratory birds. This is narrower than the Obama administration's reading of the law, which extended it to incidental results, as well."

I guess that "Freedom Dividend" can't go towards a new car payment.

Free Beacon (9/19/19) reports: "Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said the United States may have to eliminate private car ownership to combat climate change during MSNBC's climate forum at Georgetown University Thursday morning. He told MSNBC host Ali Velshi that 'we might not own our own cars' by 2050 to wean the United States economy off of fossil fuels, describing private car ownership as 'really inefficient and bad for the environment.' Privately owned cars would be replaced by a 'constant roving fleet of electric cars.'"

Despite all the hot air released during the MSNBC forum, Democrats refuse to acknowledge real low emission energy sources.

Energy In Depth (9/12/19) blog: "EID is taking a deeper dive into several candidates’ climate plans and their potential impacts on America’s power grid. Top tier contenders including Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Kamala Harris have laid out plans to achieve a net-zero carbon economy from 2030 to 2050, excluding natural gas from their plans – a fuel source that has been credited with reducing 50 percent more U.S. emissions than wind or solar combined since 2005. Their plans to move rapidly to renewable energy and electric vehicles while cutting off natural gas appear to be very unrealistic, according to new Energy Information Administration data, which show the massive role natural gas plays in the American power sector. In fact, the use of natural gas for electricity generation could prevent 1.2 billion tons of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere, according to a study this year by the International Energy Agency. " 

Terriffingly honest. The greens really don't want humanity to advance.

The Guardian (9/18/19) column: "Our built environment is becoming one big computer. “Smartness” is coming to saturate our stores, workplaces, homes, cities. As we go about our daily lives, data is made, stored, analyzed and used to make algorithmic inferences about us that in turn structure our experience of the world...But it’s clear that confronting the climate crisis will require something more radical than just making data greener. That’s why we should put another tactic on the table: making less data. We should reject the assumption that our built environment must become one big computer. We should erect barriers against the spread of 'smartness' into all of the spaces of our lives. To decarbonize, we need to decomputerize...Progress is an abstraction that has done a lot of damage over the centuries. Luddism urges us to consider: progress towards what and progress for whom? Sometimes a technology shouldn’t exist. Sometimes the best thing to do with a machine is to break it"

How did we miss this one? All the signs were there.

CNN (9/20/19) column: "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized again on Thursday for wearing blackface in three separate incidents and said he did not know how many times he had put on racist makeup...He declined to say definitively whether there were more instances of him wearing dark makeup. He did not remember each instance, he said, because his privilege gave him a blind spot on the issue. 'The fact is I didn't understand how hurtful this is to people who live with discrimination every day,' he said."

If you oppose a carbon tax, please contact us and take a stand.

Tom Pyle, American Energy Alliance
Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
Andrew Quinlan, Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity
Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
George Landrith, Frontiers of Freedom
Thomas A. Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste
Richard Manning, Americans for Limited Government
Adam Brandon, FreedomWorks
Craig Richardson, E&E Legal
Benjamin Zycher, American Enterprise Institute
Amy Oliver Cooke, Independence Institute
Jason Hayes, Mackinac Center
David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Paul Gessing, Rio Grande Foundation
Seton Motley, Less Government
Nathan Nascimento, Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
Isaac Orr, Center of the American Experiment
David T. Stevenson & Clint Laird, Caesar Rodney Institute
John Droz, Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions
Jim Karahalios, Axe the Carbon Tax
Mark Mathis, Clear Energy Alliance
Mandy Gunasekara, Energy 45
Jack Ekstrom, PolicyWorks America

Energy Markets

WTI Crude Oil: ↑ $58.72
Natural Gas: ↑ $2.56
Gasoline: ↑ $2.66
Diesel: ↑ $3.00
Heating Oil: ↑ $201.13
Brent Crude Oil: ↑ $64.79
US Rig Count: ↓ 914
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