Team, my heart breaks every time I see the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases across the country. Behind each statistic is a person, a family, a community that has been hurt by this devastating pandemic.

All of us have a role to play in keeping our communities safe and healthy. That means practicing social distancing, avoiding crowds, and wearing a mask — each of which is an important precaution to help stop the spread of the virus.

Unfortunately, there are people, including the highest office holder in the land, who have decided not to follow the basic principles of science — and in some cases, even discouraged others from the simple act of wearing a mask.

The truth is, wearing a mask is not a surrender of liberty. It’s an affirmation of love.

One of the best things each of us can do is wear a mask and take the CDC’s safety guidelines seriously.

In these challenging times, we must remember that we each share a common cause and a common destiny. Right now is when we should be extending grace and looking out for one another, particularly the most vulnerable among us.

Please wear a mask and encourage others to do the same.

— Cory