PsyPost: “Liberal women tend to report higher levels of political participation if they have experienced sex-based discrimination, according to new scientific findings published in American Politics Research.”
The study, conducted by University of Georgia assistant professor Alexa Bankert, found that the same couldn’t necessarily be said for conservative women. 
“Among conservative women, the perception dominates that sexist behavior consists of isolated incidents while liberal women view sexism as a more systemic problem,” Bankert told PsyPost. “This might explain why experienced sexism amplifies liberal women’s political engagement but there is not a similar participatory impetus among conservative women.”
We at A Woman’s Place view sexism as a systemic issue, one that’s kept women out of elected office at unacceptable rates. It’s up to us to change that by supporting women candidates at every level of government -- and understanding the forces that have gotten us to this point. That’s why we’re reaching out to you today. Would you be willing to speak to how sex-based discrimination has shaped your political participation? 
Thank you so much for your participation.
A Woman’s Place

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States