Tell Congress: We need affordable child care!
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Ask any family -- in any state -- about the cost of child care. They will all tell you that it is staggering! We can’t expect families to pick up the bill of $10,000, $15,000 and in some cases more than $20,000 a year to ensure their children have quality child care.
Check out Pedro’s email below and then join the EPI Policy Center and our allies in telling Congress to pass and fund legislation to make child care affordable for all working families. ([link removed])
This is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. Together, we can ensure that all working families have access to quality, affordable child care.
Thank you for your support,
John Schmitt
Vice President, EPI Policy Center
Tell Congress:
Millions of U.S. families can’t afford the staggering cost of child care. Infant and four year-old care is often more expensive than rent and in-state tuition for a four-year public college. It’s time for Congress to take immediate action to address the child care affordability crisis.
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Do you think a family in Nebraska can afford to pay $12,500 a year for infant care? What about more than $16,000 a year in Minnesota, or nearly $21,000 in Massachusetts?[1]
Child care costs throughout the United States are shockingly high -- and are creating an affordability crisis that Congress must address.
Add your name! Join the EPI Policy Center and our allies to demand Congress act to ensure working families can afford high-quality child care. Sign the petition and, together, we can demand Congress make child care affordable. ([link removed])
At a time when most working families have parents working one or more jobs just to afford basic essentials, affordable child care is essential.
EPI research has found that the cost for infant and four year-old care is often more expensive than rent and in-state tuition for a four-year public college. In some parts of the United States, infant care can cost more than $24,000 each year!
We are fighting to ensure Congress: Expands access to affordable preschool and pre-kindergarten programs, passes legislation to make child care affordable for all working families, expands paid family leave, and ensures child care workers are compensated fairly.
We need Congress to take action.
Together, we can pass legislation to make the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share so that families throughout the country can rest assured that their children are in high-quality child care and early education programs that they can afford.
Take a moment to check how much ([link removed]) child care ([link removed]) costs are in your state. ([link removed])
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Parents too often lack viable options including lack of access to affordable early care and education and low and uneven service quality of early childhood education, creating a scenario where both staying at home and going to work are unaffordable.
Together, let’s build a strong, national coalition to demand meaningful action to make early care and education more affordable for working families.
Add your name today! Tell Congress to make immediate reforms to ensure child care is affordable for all working families. ([link removed])
Thank you for your support,
Pedro da Costa
Director of Communications, EPI Policy Center
[1] [link removed]
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