Help us honor with action
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John, this week marked five years since the San Bernardino massacre in California, where 14 people were shot and killed and many more were injured. Tragically, the community of San Bernardino isn't alone. 

Sandy Hook. Parkland. Las Vegas. Poway. These tragedies have one thing in common: Smith & Wesson's Military and Police (M&P) style rifle. This type of assault rifle has been the weapon of choice for mass shooters in America, and it has been marketed to civilians time and again. 

At Brady, we know it’s past time to hold Smith & Wesson accountable. We recently took legal action alongside Everytown for Gun Safety and Fred Guttenburg, father of Jaime Guttenberg, who was killed in the Parkland massacre, by filing a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate Smith & Wesson’s reckless marketing strategies of its assault rifles.

In the complaint, we outline how Smith & Wesson markets its M&P assault rifles to young men enamored with military fantasies. They irresponsibly use imagery implying military and law enforcement endorsement, and target minors through the use of visuals from first-person-shooter video games, and images of children shooting guns.

The bottom line is that marketing weapons for military and police use to minors is reckless. Gun manufacturers have a responsibility to prevent tragedies.

We won’t stop fighting until Smith & Wesson ends its dangerous marketing strategies of weapons of war to untrained citizens. Join Brady in holding Smith & Wesson accountable by adding your name to our petition now!



Join Us for the 8th Annual National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence on December 14, 2020

In the years since the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, 2020, Newtown Action Alliance Foundation has worked with a coalition of gun violence prevention organizations, including Brady, to honor all victims of gun violence at a national vigil service held in Washington, D.C., and in solidarity in hundreds of locations throughout our nation.

This year, Brady and Newtown Action Alliance Foundation will be hosting the vigil virtually so that we can all come together to continue to honor victims and survivors and create a space for community support and healing during social distancing. We hope you will join us for this unifying event. If you have a loved one who you would like included in the virtual vigil, please submit a photo through our form.




Team ENOUGH Lobbying Collectives Fight for Gun Reform From Coast to Coast

Our Team ENOUGH Lobbying Collective is the only national, youth-led group lobbying elected officials for sensible gun laws. This year, we welcomed 100 new members across our four collectives in Washington, D.C., Virginia, California, and Florida. This week, even with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students in Washington, D.C., and California lobbied legislators on crucial gun violence prevention bills that will create a safer America for all.


Members of the Team ENOUGH x March For Our Lives joint Lobbying Collective lobbied members of Congress to support the Disarm Hate Act, the Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abusers Act, and the Resources for Victims of Gun Violence Act of 2019.

Washington, D.C. 

This week, led by Lobbying Collective Program Lead Simran Chowla, the collective lobbied Reps. Jennifer Wexton, Jaime Raskin, Tom O'Halleran and Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Roy Blunt, Mazie Hirono, Mark Warner, Bob Menedez, and Brian Schatz on five gun violence prevention bills. Lobbying Collective members received overwhelming support on the Resources for Victims of Gun Violence Act, including Republicans and Democrats alike. While the legislative session is coming to a close, members of Congress signaled they’d co-sponsor many of the lobbied bills in the 2021 legislative session. 


Guided by Program Lead and Executive Council Member Ivan Garcia, the California Lobbying Collective met with both sides of the aisle, including three Republicans and six Democrats, to discuss three gun violence prevention priorities in the upcoming legislative term. In particular, members discussed the "police microstamping bill." While Gov. Newsom recently passed a law to require new-model handguns to include microstamping technology, police departments are exempt from this requirement. Members were able to introduce the issue to lawmakers and begin advocating for change.


We'll keep you posted on future Team ENOUGH Lobbying Collective sessions.



Two Ways You Can Support Brady This Season of Giving!

Visit and select "Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence" as your charitable organization. This is a great way to support Brady while doing your everyday shopping on Amazon.


If you are a federal government employee, select Brady as your Combined Federal Campaign charity! Simply use code #11195.


However you may give, your donation will bolster our work to prevent gun violence in 2021 and beyond! Learn more ways to donate.

Keep Your Family Safe This Holiday Season and End Family Fire

While our houses may not be as packed with relatives and friends like last year, 4.6 million children still live in homes with access to unlocked or unsupervised guns. With so many changes and additional precautions to stay healthy this year due to COVID-19, there's one thing we can’t forget when it comes to our safety: ensuring we and our loved ones store guns safely and securely! It is how we can end family fire. Read our blog for tips and information on safe gun storage this holiday season.

🎧 Episode 102: What the Biden-Harris Administration Means for Gun Violence Prevention

Joe Biden has been elected the 46th president of the United States, and with his election comes the obvious question: What does his Presidency mean for gun violence prevention? To find out, hosts Kelly and JJ are joined by Dr. Richard Spitzer, author and distinguished political science professor at the State University of New York Cortland; Chelsea Parsons, the vice president of gun violence prevention at the Center for American Progress; and Christian Heyne, the vice president of policy at Brady.


🎧 Episode 103: Can You Police the Second Amendment?

How does structural racism intersect with gun violence? Does the Second Amendment apply to all individuals in the same way? And, when it comes to policing, how does the law view gun owners of different ethnic groups? Hosts Kelly and JJ discuss with Dr. Jennifer Carlson, an associate professor of sociology and government and public policy at the University of Arizona.


🎧 Episode 104: Does Buying a Gun During Lockdown Increase Your Risk of Suicide?

In 2020, nearly 2.5 million Americans bought a firearm for the first time. Meanwhile, as COVID-19 continues, many have worried that suicide rates may increase as well. So, does buying a gun during COVID increase your risk of suicide? We talk with Dr. Michael Anestis, executive director of the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center and an associate professor at the Rutgers School of Public Health.



John, this week, Ohio state legislators met to discuss NRA-backed legislation that would put all Ohioans' safety a risk — including a dangerous "Stand Your Ground" bill. This type of legislation is a license to murder, plain and simple. Using the guise of “self defense,” they fuel gun homicides — especially homicides of Black Americans, like Trayvon Martin and Ahmaud Arbery. They are already law in at least 25 states. Even if you aren't from Ohio, we need to hear your voice to oppose this dangerous legislation. Tell Gov. Mike DeWine that you #StandWithOhio and he must reject any “Stand Your Ground” law!


Gun Violence has Become a Disturbing Public Health Crisis. The Biden Administration Must Step in and Immediately do Something About it, Business Insider 


BLM and Inauthenticity in Racial Relations, Wall Street Journal Letters


'It Should Scare People': Preventing Accidental Shootings by Kids Starts at Home, Indianapolis Star


Frank Lautenberg's Key Measure Kept Guns from Wrong Hands. It's Not Being Enforced, North Jersey 

This week, gun violence prevention champion Mark Kelly was sworn into the U.S. Senate. Help us send a big congratulations to Sen. Kelly, who not only won his election but gained a pro-gun violence prevention seat! Brady looks forward to working with Sen. Kelly to advance common-sense gun reform through Congress.




Thank you for joining us in the fight to prevent gun violence.

We have one powerful mission — to unite all Americans against gun violence. We work across Congress, the courts, and our communities, bringing together young and old, red and blue, and every shade of color to find common ground in common sense. In the spirit of our namesakes Jim and Sarah Brady, we have fought for over 45 years to take action, not sides, and we will not stop until this epidemic ends. It’s in our hands.


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