From Greg Farough, DbD <[email protected]>
Subject The International Day Against DRM (IDAD) is today -- here's what you can do to help
Date December 5, 2020 5:32 AM
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Dear DRM Elimination Crew

There's no time like the present to stand up against [Digital
Restrictions Management][1] (DRM). Fittingly, [today][2] is the
Defective by Design campaign's annual [International Day Against
DRM][2] (IDAD)!

As months of quarantine have only tightened the stranglehold DRM has
on how so many people experience culture, we have a lot of work ahead
of us. If each person reading this takes a small step to show their
support for the movement, we can have a meaningful and lasting effect.

[1]:[link removed]
[2]:[link removed]

* Join us in sending a clear message about Netflix's use of DRM by
[phoning their feedback and support line][3] at 1-865-383-3330. Need
help on what to say? You can follow our sample call script on [this
year's IDAD page][4]. If you're not a Netflix subscriber, you can
tell them that you never *will* be one until they get rid of their

[3]:[link removed]
[4]:[link removed]

* Join us for a [BigBlueButton][5] session from 12 PM to 4 PM EST
(17:00 UTC) for an informal chat on the anti-DRM movement, where
we'll talk strategies, share stories, report on activities happening
around the globe, and plan for the future.

[5]:[link removed]

* Post on [social media][6] using the hashtag #DayAgainstDRM to let us
and others know how you're celebrating the Day Against DRM. If
you're on social media, keep an eye out, and share, our own posts
and those of organizations around the world who are partnering with
us, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Framasoft, and
La Quadrature du Net.

[6]:[link removed]

* You don't have to be in the United States to participate: help us
update important information about your country so we can direct
people around the world to updated resources. Let the DBD campaign
know what DRM-related issues need attention in your area and how we
can help on the [LibrePlanet wiki][7].

[7]:[link removed]

* Join us on the Freenode [IRC network][8] in the \#dbd channel for
real-time discussion on anti-DRM activism.

[8]:[link removed]

* Challenge yourself to go a day (or even longer!) without DRM, and
call on your community to join you. You can use our [Guide to
DRM-free Living][9] as a way to read, watch, and listen to new media
without compromising your freedom. While you're there, you can check
out DRM-free media sales from Libreture, Leanpub, and other
partnering organizations of this year's IDAD.

[9]:[link removed]

* Support our comments for new exemptions to the [Digital Millennium
Copyright Act's (DMCA) anti-circumvention rules][10] by sending your
name and state (or country, if you are outside the US) to
<[email protected]>.

[10]:[link removed]

Of course, the fight against DRM rages on, and if we want to make
progress, our activism against it can't be limited to just one day
out. We hope you'll choose to get more involved with the [Defective by
Design][11] campaign by joining our [discussion mailing list][12],
[participating on IRC][13] with other members of the DRM Elimination
Crew, or by planning your own local or digital actions against DRM.

[11]: [link removed]
[12]: [link removed]
[13]:[link removed]

Just as DRM didn't become this powerful overnight, it won't be
defeated without a sustained, concerted effort from all of us. But if
there's anything we have learned in the past fourteen years of the
campaign, it's that much can be accomplished by a committed group of
activists. We hope you'll not only join us for this year's IDAD, but
become someone the movement can rely on for support. The fight for
user freedom needs us and *you,* and together, I know that we can

In freedom,

Greg Farough
Campaigns Manager

* Follow us on Mastodon at <[link removed]>, on GNU
social at <[link removed]>, or on Twitter at
<[link removed]>.
* Read about why we use Twitter, but only with caveats at <[link removed]>.
* Subscribe to our blog via RSS at <[link removed]>.
* Donate to support the campaign at <[link removed]>.
* Read the Free Software Foundation Privacy Policy at <[link removed]>.

You can unsubscribe from the Defective by Design mailing list by visiting the link <[link removed]>.

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Defective by Design is a campaign of the Free Software Foundation:

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Boston, Massachusetts 02110-1335
United States
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