Fox News Discriminates Against Real Conservatives
Larry Klayman calls for right-thinking networks to snatch FNC viewership
By Larry Klayman
July 12, 2019
Notwithstanding my long association and friendship with publisher Joseph Farah — who we all pray will have a full recovery from his recent serious stroke — I have written about 700 columns for this great publication over the years since I founded Judicial Watch, ran for the U.S. Senate in my home state of Florida and then founded Freedom Watch, which I run today. Indeed, I have compiled all of them in a four-volume work titled "Essays of a Mad Man," which is available by going to Freedom Watch's website at
One of the many reasons I love and respect Joseph and his fine staff is that WND allows me to express my unvarnished views and legal exploits without censorship. The publication is also the most pure of all conservative websites as it does not give quarter to political correctness to churn advertising dollars and to jingle the change for its top brass.
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