Friend, This time is different. Throughout this campaign you've been asked to donate to many deadlines. Each time, President Trump has always been able to count on YOU. But, most recently, he noticed you didn't step up to help us CRUSH our November End-of-Month goal... NOVEMBER END-OF-MONTH DONOR FILE SUPPORTER: [email protected] END-OF-MONTH DONATION: NONE The Radical Left is trying to steal the Election and the only way we can fight back is if we KEEP GOING. You've always been a dedicated supporter of the President, which is why he's giving you another chance. President Trump has EXTENDED your 1000% offer for ONE MORE HOUR. This is your final chance to step up,Friend. Don't let your President down. Please contribute $45 RIGHT NOW to increase your impact by 1000% and to help President Trump keep fighting. >> SUPPORTER: [email protected] ACCOUNT NUMBER: 11221963 - 2020 1000% OFFER: EXTENDED DEADLINE: 1 HOUR CONTRIBUTE $250 = $2750 CONTRIBUTE $100 = $1100 CONTRIBUTE $50 = $550 CONTRIBUTE $45 = $495 CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT President Trump has proven time and time again that NOTHING will stop him from fighting for us, and now it's time we fight for him. He's requested a list of every supporter who helps keep the momentum going. Will he see YOUR name on that list? Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to increase your impact by 1000% and to get on the list the President sees. Thank you, Lara Trump Senior Advisor Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. CONTRIBUTE $45 = $495 |