Hey team! Next Monday is our monthly volunteer call -- and A.G. Holder will be joining us! I wanted to send you the details on how to join because I just finalized the agenda and you don't want to miss these updates. It's our last call of the year, so we're doing a state-by-state look at the fight ahead for redistricting.
Sign up here on Mobilize to confirm your spot on the virtual volunteer call Monday, 12/7 at 8pm ET.
With 2021 right around the corner, we're entering the grassroots phase of this fight. That's why we're kicking off this volunteer call with a pep talk from A.G. Holder about how this grassroots movement can -- and will -- make an impact next year.
Our AOTL State Directors are joining the call too. They'll give us a rundown of the redistricting landscape in our target states. We've been talking a lot about our state-by-state strategy -- this is a chance to see exactly how grassroots organizing will play a role in places like North Carolina, Texas, and Pennsylvania.
If you haven't joined a call before, this is a great one to join! We hold volunteer calls on the first Monday of every month as a way for grassroots volunteers to get direct updates from our team on key fights, opportunities to volunteer, and upcoming trainings.
Hope you'll join us Monday night! Here's the link to RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/allontheline/event/271054
Mallory Long
AOTL Training Director