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Let the Littlest State Lead Us on COVID-19

by Tressa Pankovits

With hospital beds filled and field hospitals scrambling to open, Gov. Gina Raimondo on Monday ordered Rhode Island to begin a two-week pause in an attempt to stop out-of-control coronavirus spread in her state. The governor ordered bars, gyms, movie theaters and the like closed — but she is keeping schools open.

Raimondo should be praised for recognizing what too many state and local leaders ignore: Hard data have proven, and America’s scientists have reached consensus, that students in classrooms are not significant spreaders of COVID-19.

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The Senate's Dereliction of Duty: Republicans have the Gall to Call Joe Biden's Pick of Neera Tanden Too Partisan?

by Will Marshall

When the history of Donald Trump’s sordid presidency is written, the Republican Senate’s grotesque dereliction of duty will merit a long chapter.



'Targeted' Relief Need Not be Stingy When Stimulus is Needed

by Ben Ritz

After several months of gridlock, lawmakers offered two competing frameworks yesterday for giving the American people another round of much-needed economic relief from the covid pandemic. The first is a $908 billion compromise with support from 16 members of both parties in the U.S. House and Senate, while the second is a $553 billion partisan proposal from Senate Majority Mitch McConnell.



PPI's Ben Ritz on Funding America's Future


The Hardy Report is a political news and current affairs podcast, bringing you interviews with a range of activists, campaigners and politicians from across the political spectrum in the United States and the United Kingdom.



Busting Myths and Taking Gambles

On the latest Facing the Future, Concord Coalition Executive Director, Bob Bixby, Director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Center for Funding America’s Future, Ben Ritz, and Brian Riedl, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, discussed Ritz’ article in Forbes, titled “How Deficits Could Cripple The Biden Agenda – And How He Can Overcome Them,” and Riedl’s article in the National Review, titled “Spending, Tax, and Deficit Myths Exposed.” 


How Technology is Driving Economic Growth and Recovery in Colorado

Wednesday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m. EST

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is pleased to host the Colorado Business Roundtable and the Colorado Technology Association for a virtual discussion on the role that technology platforms and digital tools have played in empowering Colorado businesses and supporting the state’s economic recovery – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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