
The Presidential election was over a month ago, but the Republican leaders of New Jersey still won’t acknowledge the fact that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won. It’s shocking to see the depths they are willing to go to, all to appease their Trump loving, radical conservative base. Their refusal to recognize reality shows how far out of touch Republicans are with the rest of New Jersey more and more every day, and it’s not the only proof of that. 

Republican candidate for Governor Jack Ciattarelli is a great example. He’s one of the GOP leaders who won’t publicly comment on the Biden-Harris win, because he wants Trump diehards to see him as one of them. Recently he took it a step further, speaking at a conspiracy driven rally where attendees proudly displayed the Confederate flag, our nation’s most enduring symbol of racism, hate and terror. 

Republicans like Ciattarelli only care about enabling Trumpism. It’s the same attitude that led them to ignore President Trump’s corruption and his assaults on our norms and institutions. We can’t let that happen here in New Jersey. Chip in to the NJDSC today to tell them you won’t stand for it.

With COVID-19 cases increasing throughout the state and the country, it’s up to all of us to act responsibly, wear a mask and follow state and CDC guidelines. Governor Murphy is continuing to provide the steady leadership we need by working with the federal government on vaccine distribution plans, ensuring that our hospitals have the resources they need and using his platforms to tell residents how important it is to be vigilant.

For up to date information regarding new cases and directives regarding coronavirus, visit the state’s dedicated COVID-19 Information Hub or follow Governor Murphy’s official pages on social media. 

Twitter: @GovMurphy


Here at the NJDSC, we’re going to take some time for the rest of the year to look back at some of the major progress that happened in 2020, despite the demands that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on all of us. 

2020 Rewind

In 2019, Governor Murphy signed a landmark piece of legislation to gradually raise New Jersey’s minimum wage to $15 per hour. This established our state as a national leader in making sure that working families can make ends meet and earn a living wage. Thanks to that leadership the minimum wage officially increased to $11 per hour in January 2020, a milestone that Governor Murphy celebrated on behalf of the workers who would benefit from it. 

With 2021 right around the corner, the minimum wage is set to increase again next month to $12 per hour and this will continue for the next few years until it reaches the goal of $15 per hour. Hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans will continue to directly benefit from higher wages each year and those dollars going directly into peoples’ pockets will help them weather the COVID-19 storm and stimulate our state’s economy. It’s a major win for New Jersey, and a great first part of our 2020 Rewind series. 

Thank you,

Chairman John Currie








Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.
New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States
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